Raw Jazz

Former user wrote on 4/18/2013, 12:28 AM

This jam is based upon the great jazz trios during the golden era of jazz; consisting of piano, bass and drums.  The piano maintains the melodic line while the bass and drums maintains a constant rhythm.  I imported the piano loops into MMM  from a third-party set as well a few of the bass and drum lines.  The tune is in the key of C at 120 BPM.  Hope you find it pleasing to the ear folks.


Farstom wrote on 4/18/2013, 1:44 PM

perhaps interesting for musicians
but as an audience, I'm yawning

Last changed by Farstom on 4/18/2013, 1:44 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something



Former user wrote on 4/18/2013, 2:12 PM

Hello Farstom:

Thanks for your comment.  Well, this is the "jazz" section, is it not?  And, perhaps not to your taste.  "Music" tastes (by in large) are extremely subjective to any listener.  As a professional jazz pianist (trio) I've come across more than a few folks who are ambivalent about this type of music, but that's never been a problem for me.

I've listened to your offerings, and some I like and some not so much.  As I mentioned, it's all in the listener's ear.

Thanks again for your opinion sir.


GBTraveller wrote on 4/19/2013, 1:25 AM

Jazz is a musical freedom from musicians for musicians!
Jazz for me is modern classic that draws its energy from tonal tensions!
For a listener boring for me an exciting book!
I personally bring this music very very much!

Greeting Freddy

Former user wrote on 4/19/2013, 6:25 AM

Hi Freddy:

And, there you go.  That's why I submitted the piece to this section of the forum.  The "Jazz" forum.  Either you like or understand the style, or you don't.  However, I tend to appreciate many different types of music forms and am always open their expressions and interpretations.  Recently, I began listening to songs posted in the "Ambient" section of the community, and find many of them quite pleasing and  well-constructed.  So, I try and keep an open mind about music in general.  If I like something I'll let the composer know.  If I don't, I just move on. Overall, I find the members at MM to be mostly polite and cordial. 

Thanks for your succinct remarks Freddy.

GBTraveller wrote on 4/19/2013, 8:56 AM

You write ambient music do you listen to?
Okay, you hear the loss when you please once.
I play all the guitars himself a!
I think that might like it?

Greeting Freddy


Nickillus wrote on 4/19/2013, 6:49 PM

As someone who used to hate jazz with a vengeance in my youth, my conversion through the years to sit well over the border the other way now means I love this.  Superb.

Former user wrote on 4/19/2013, 9:49 PM

Hi Nickillus:

An 'acquired taste' (like caviar) for sure.  Certainly not for everyone. 

Thanks for your complimentary thoughts Nick.

Former user wrote on 4/20/2013, 12:17 AM

well done

nice building

i like it

VisionART wrote on 4/20/2013, 3:15 PM

Hey man,

there are cool wine drops on the piano...

I like the base and your jazzy keys very much,

may be you can do the mastering a little more stereo?

fucking good,


Former user wrote on 4/20/2013, 6:23 PM

Say VisionART:

Ha, ha.  I've already had a couple of 'vintage' wine today.  Sure I can re-master and improve the stereo.  Unfortunately, I'm currently saddled with a trio of pretty poor speakers, as my best speakers blew out a few days ago.  It's pretty tough to get the right audio feedback when you're dealing with poor quality speakers.  I'll order some new ones in the not-too-distant future. 

Thanks for listening.





Leomax wrote on 5/11/2013, 2:37 AM


nice jazzmusc!


Former user wrote on 5/11/2013, 10:54 AM

Thanks a bunch Leomax!

Glad you've taken your valuable time to listen and appraise.

Enjoy a great weekend.


BERNARDPH wrote on 5/25/2013, 5:42 PM

hi griff
A beautiful composition and presentation.
Much work on the mix.
And this is music full of strength and sensitivity.
I love

Former user wrote on 7/21/2013, 1:09 PM


Wirklich eindeutig, dass man sich hier nur auf eine Tonlage bewegt –doch diese haben auch ihre Mitstreiter, die auch gehört werden wollen –zu jedem Topf passt ein Deckel (ist so ein Sprichwort) –wenn’s auch hier klanglich zusammen passen muss… . –, !!


hounddoggy56 wrote on 11/16/2013, 10:18 AM

One of your best works. Really like it.

ending is a bit abrupt, and I hear what I think is static in one of the loops that kicks in

between 3:40 and 4:20 approximately. MIght be distorted brushes on a snare.

You might want to check the loops you are using in that section to see if you can isolate what that sound actually is.

DanielsAnimations2014 wrote on 5/28/2014, 9:51 PM

That is awesome!

Daniel Lyons