Raining Eyes

seraphin wrote on 10/2/2011, 12:18 PM

Hello community,

Most of the music composed for this album, are inspirations to me from looking at this image I used jacket. This picture me stubborn. Because it represents what a great fall, a fall of a poet, a charming autumn, an autumn that remains in my dreams at night. A season that brings me more peace and quiet as depression. Each season has its own feeling, this is the one I felt watching this season.

La plupart des musiques composés pour cet album, sont des inspirations qui me sont venus en regardant cette image que j'ai utilisé en jacquette. Cette photo m'a obstinée. Car elle représente ce qu'est un automne parfait, un automne poète, un automne charmeur, un automne qui reste dans mes rêves la nuit. Une saison qui m'apporte plus le calme et la tranquillité que la dépression. Chaque saison a son sentiment, voici celui que je ressents en regardant cette saison.

This is my first album of electronic music. "Electrostar Syberia" (Electronic / Electronica / Techno / Hard-tech / Rap / House / Ambient)


********PARENTAL ADVISORY SONG**************************


Prologue (english): Read lyrics and you'll understand... Anyone can interpret this music with his own imagination Tell me what the music and lyrics inspire you

Prologue (French): Lisez les paroles et vous comprendrez...Tout le monde peut interpreter cette musique avec sa propre imagination Dites moi ce que la musique et les paroles vous inspirent



Couplet :
Hey you endless by crying in the rain making even more sad your sorrow, Dry your tears and let me tell you something, ya !
It was not so long ago, a burning desert thirsting people, it was not that long
Here comes the story of a little red skin, called "Raining Eyes", a name moved by such violence,

Wounded body of his mother, living in the fear of invaders, He cries, it rains as much water during the storm as he spends tears

"Raining Eyes" we whisper his name

Refrain :
« Raining Eyes » they call you
The tears are not an evil
But evidence of your impotence

You gotta say I should strike, I'll attack, I'll attack
Defends youself, you will attack
Timid in your prison they will called you "Raining Eyes"
As obscure nameless murmurs
Ghosts of blackened city, child rapist
Defends yourself,
you'll have to fight
You'll need attack
And You'll attack
You'll attack
You'll need attack
Protect yourself against "Raining Eyes",your future ambition ... "I'll attack"

Couplet :
He's called "Raining", fragile in the heart, he has only his emerald eyes as wealth , "Raining Eyes" we whisper his name. Poor helpless angel ... attempt to survive ... Yet son of warrior in heart and blood.

Bridge :
Unable in the present, but with the damage of time,
You'll learn, your reign will come,
You just need some...
Will, courage
Maturity will reduce this storm

More greatness will carry you across, less rain will flood your plan

Fragile destin, could be recast into a new Rome, and you master of this world,
You'll have no more excuses to others
Remove their sword to these son of bitches
Single warrior of his universe ...
The emperor

Refrain: Same


Traduction Française

Couplet :
hey toi qui pleure sans fin sous la pluie qui rend encore plus triste ton chagrin, Sèche tes larmes et laisse moi te raconter quelque chose, ouais !
il n'y a pas si longtemps, Un désert brûlant assoiffait les populations, il n'y a pas si longtemps
Ici, vient l'histoire d'un petit peau rouge, qu'on appelait "Pleuvant Yeux", nom retourné par tant de violence
Corps déchiré à sa mère, vivant dans la peur des envahisseurs, Il pleure, il pleut autant d'eau pendant la tempête qu'il ne dépense de larmes.
"Raining Eyes" qu'on murmure son nom

Refrain :
“Raining Eyes”  qu’on t’appelera
Les larmes ne sont pas un mal
Mais preuve de ton impuissance
Tu dois dire que « je devrais frapper », « je vais attaquer », « je vais attaquer »
Défend toi, tu attaqueras
Peureux dans ta prison ils t'appeleront "Raining Eyes"
Comme des murmures obscures sans nom
Fantômes de la cité noircie, violeur d'enfants
Défends toi

Faudra que tu te battes
Et tu attaqueras
Tu attaqueras
Tu auras besoins d’attaquer
Protège toi contre "Raining Eyes", ta future ambition …"J'attaquerai"

Couplet :
Il s'appel "Raining", fragile dans le coeur, de richesse il ne possède que ses yeux émeraudes, "Raining Eyes" qu'on murmure son nom. Pauvre ange désemparé... tentative de survie... Pourtant fils de guerrier dans l'âme et dans le sang.

Bridge :
Incapable en l'instant présent, mais avec les dégâts du temps,
Tu apprendras, ton reigne arrivera
Il te faut juste quelques…
Volontés, du courage
La maturité viendra abaisser cette tempête

Plus la grandeur t'emporteras, moins la pluie inondera ton dessein
Destin fragilisé, pourra être refondé, en une nouvelle Rome, et toi maître de ce monde,
tu ne devras plus d'excuses aux autre
Enlève leur l'épée à ces fils de chiennes
Seul guerrier de son univers ...

Refrain : Pareil


Raining Eyes

Artiste: Seraphin

Album: Electrostar Syberia

Piste: 6

Style: Hip hop / Electronica

Finish for: October, 20th

Composed by Seraphin,

-Mixage with music studio samplitude 16, I have used soundpools,

Voices and mixage: By Seraphin


Electrostar Syberia

4-Machine Madness
5-Stage Underground
6-Raining Eyes
7- Alone (Feeling Of Absence)
8- Prince Of The Night
9- Falls Under The Spotlight
10- Gentlemen
11- Bad And Wise
12-The Gift
13-The Last Day
14- Disorder Of Streets
15- Sun Through Clouds
17- Silent Horse

Jacket created by SERAPHIN.


Frankie-Kay wrote on 10/2/2011, 12:46 PM

...unfortunately my english is shitty... lol 

this what the translation from google says... your lyrics are very thrilling...

 the music also  *****+FAV

Alex_Mango wrote on 10/2/2011, 1:20 PM

Super gemacht!

Former user wrote on 10/2/2011, 1:27 PM

Wow .."..another brick in the wall .."  I've used a Pink expression to tell you : " good work in the right dirextion for a big album ..more innovative " .. another great work !!!
from your friend
Antonio Fiorillo

A kiss !!!

Former user wrote on 10/2/2011, 1:55 PM


muy bueno ​Baptiste

Former user wrote on 10/2/2011, 2:20 PM

Hallo,  " SERAPHIN " .. good Work ..

Gruß Oktave

jorual wrote on 10/2/2011, 2:21 PM

Hallo Baptiste,

Sehr Schraege HIP-Hop, mir gefaellt es.

Gruesse von Jorual

Flansinnata wrote on 10/2/2011, 3:18 PM

Tu vois, ca me plait aussi, interessant et intrigant

Michel-Solo-Band wrote on 10/2/2011, 3:30 PM

Translate for an extrem work of music.


siggi_s wrote on 10/2/2011, 9:21 PM


echt schön schräg das Teil

LG Siggi

Spartano wrote on 10/3/2011, 12:30 AM

Klasse Hip Hop Musik, 5* Herzlichen Gruß Joachim !

Last changed by Spartano on 10/3/2011, 12:30 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


B59fly wrote on 10/3/2011, 3:50 AM

Wow .... cool   .... grande mélodie et chant. Félicitations .... bon travail!!!!

Bisous Brigitte

Huck wrote on 10/3/2011, 7:53 AM


Klasse gemacht!!

Gruß Huck!

smartsmurf wrote on 10/3/2011, 8:31 AM

This piece is very sick... luv it !!!  

Some work on the sound quality is still needed...

jorgejerzy wrote on 10/3/2011, 10:22 AM

Viel Arbeit.

Gutes Ergebnis



Former user wrote on 10/3/2011, 1:14 PM

Hallo mein Freund !!!

Das Teil hier gefällt mir richtig gut. Es macht Spaß hier rein zu hören. Hier steckt Energie drin,das gefällt mir.

Ich kann nur noch sagen Hammer geil.

Sehr cool...Fav. 5*

Bleib dran   LG Stefan


blacki-S wrote on 10/3/2011, 1:24 PM

Absolut genialer Track !!

So viele verschiedene Styles in einem Lied und trotzdem passt alles super zueinander, HUT AB!

Klasse Arbeit!

LG  blacki

Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 10/3/2011, 1:47 PM

GREAT PERFORMANCE !! ciao da sandro

Last changed by Sandro_Glavina_Channel on 10/3/2011, 1:47 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA





maxcon62 wrote on 10/3/2011, 3:17 PM

Fantastique début, j'aime le "riff" de la basse... profond et insistant !

 j'apprécie  aussi les jeux et les effets appliqués à la voix.




ArtistW wrote on 10/4/2011, 5:55 PM

Love this kind of RAP 5*

KBMproduction wrote on 10/7/2011, 2:58 AM

klingt wirklich geil obwohl ich diese sampels alle nicht mehr hören kann^^ hehe dennoch 5*

Last changed by KBMproduction on 10/7/2011, 2:58 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

bin 19 jahre jung und mache seit knapp 5 jahren musik.


bin seit 1 jahr glücklich mit meiner freundin zusammen und sind verlobt.

thierrychoppin wrote on 10/8/2011, 5:24 AM

Magnifique réalisation très originale et d' un grand niveau technique



redisland wrote on 10/11/2011, 5:33 AM


lg die redis

samp wrote on 10/12/2011, 12:21 PM

Just listening .... bad bad ..... love it!

LG samp H


dKlaus wrote on 10/24/2011, 6:27 AM



