Quiz (How many alphabets can you see?)

nihon94 wrote on 5/27/2012, 1:02 PM
Quiz (How many alphabets can you see?)
Width: 1414
Height: 2000

Just for fun designed and added a QUIZ.

In this design how many ALPHABETS can you see?

Answer is also in the design.

If you can not find answer look at 2nd image ANSWER

OR click this link


Enjoy and pass it to your friends.





Tokyotower wrote on 5/27/2012, 1:37 PM

This is an interesting work.

At least different from others.

I did not find the answer but saw on other image.


maxcon62 wrote on 5/27/2012, 3:22 PM

I see 3 letters ... the A, the R and the T...


Great work, my friend


samp wrote on 5/28/2012, 8:36 AM

Hey - beautiful design!!!

Sorry that I missed your last pictures.... had a work to do which I couldn´t
let do others....

I like the yellow and the mint green... great work!!!

All the best!

samp H

Particle wrote on 5/28/2012, 10:58 AM

Good idea und schöne Arbeit

denis61 wrote on 5/28/2012, 12:30 PM

Salut, très bonne idée, amusante. c'est trés bien. denis

BERNARDPH wrote on 5/29/2012, 1:35 PM

good evening Nihon94
A beautiful setting, great idea and a nice graphics.
A confession I clicked on the link because I did not see the letters


Flansinnata wrote on 5/29/2012, 3:31 PM

Muy bueno, muy interesante


jorual wrote on 5/30/2012, 3:21 AM

Hey Nihon,

Beauty design, and great Quiz idea.

Regards Jorual.

redisland wrote on 5/31/2012, 5:31 AM

klasse design

lg die redis

B59fly wrote on 6/1/2012, 12:06 PM

Very nice design, like it very much.


Huck wrote on 6/2/2012, 7:27 AM


Gut gemacht!!!

Gruß Huck!

Former user wrote on 6/2/2012, 12:01 PM

corretly,very nice design !!!!!

Like it to....

Lg stefan

Former user wrote on 6/3/2012, 2:50 AM

Ein schönes Suchbild...mein Freund.

Sehr schöne Idee und auch sehr schön gestaltet.


Plissken wrote on 6/4/2012, 12:44 PM

Curioso. Lo mejor es que como diseño funciona muy bien.


nicology wrote on 6/5/2012, 9:05 AM

Das finde ich mal eine gelungene Idee. Sowas in der Art kann ich mir für ein Cover ebenso vorstellen. Danke für die Inspiration! 

Rana wrote on 6/19/2012, 9:19 AM

Cool idea my friend...

Barusse wrote on 6/22/2012, 9:28 AM


 Very nice idea creativity


Former user wrote on 10/9/2012, 5:53 PM

Interessant,......erst habe ich 3 gesehen.......mag so was .......Gehirnjogging.

Herzliche Grüße...Conny

Former user wrote on 11/4/2012, 9:20 PM


I saw only the " 3 " and the " T ". I like this kind of picture.

Ng`s, Uwe

Former user wrote on 5/27/2013, 5:51 PM

Very good !    = 5*


Funnywico wrote on 1/19/2014, 7:19 PM

Nice idea!