Wow, nice cover. The music is ideally suited for the dance floor. There is swing and variety here. I don't always like your singing, maybe that's sometimes due to the mixing? In any case, it's well done here 🎤👍 Great dancer ❤️
beautiful music that flows nicely - ciao da sandro
Thank you Friend @Sandro_Glavina_Channel , until finally my friends liked it and heard my voice. I want to remember that if it didn't have that much repercussion, I would delete this post, as everyone liked it, I decided to leave this post here forever. I would delete it because my French language is weak here, I will have to attend more classes. So I put another note for this track up there: Remix version, this song is also present on the website, it is two versions there on the drooble, the version I posted and this version posted here, which, I don't know why, it's different from the version I posted on the drooble. I discovered this by accident. Who has changed? I do not know. But it was good, this is not in doubt, my friends liked it. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year Glavina. Hugs from your Friend Paulo. Merry Christmas to all of us. A Happy New Year to YOU for all of us! 🍷😊👍🏻👏🏻🎉🎄🎍❤
It's a great track that you have created!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas......
All the best,
Thank you, dear @Jinty Jinty. Thanks for coming. Let's dance in this club. After all it's Christmas and New Year's Eve. I also wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year full of Health, Energy, Satisfaction and Best Wishes for YOU, your Family and friends. Very successful! A big hug!
Oi Paolo, Sua última música "Quelque chose pend dans l'air" é excelente. Eu poderia reconhecer seu estilo entre 1000 outras criações. Obrigado também por escolher este título em francês (que é minha língua nativa). Excelente trabalho, muito bem. Meus cumprimentos.🙏 RR.
Oi Paolo, Sua última música "Quelque chose pend dans l'air" é excelente. Eu poderia reconhecer seu estilo entre 1000 outras criações. Obrigado também por escolher este título em francês (que é minha língua nativa). Excelente trabalho, muito bem. Meus cumprimentos.🙏 RR.
Tout d'abord, je tiens à remercier Dieu d'avoir des amis comme vous @Raoul-Radius , qui me donnent la force de continuer à chanter, à explorer mes anciens styles personnels, qui, comme le dit Franco Galateo, des styles privés, que, si vieux qu'ils soient, je peux encore exprimer combien de temps j'ai perdu toutes ces années, oui, je suis le compositeur et musicien, comme mon splendide ami Jochen-S l'a dit, plus tard ici sur, parce que je le fais, je considère, le promoteur de mon talent , qui malgré le silence, attire un certain succès, une certaine notoriété, face à tant de désespoir que les gens pensent et avec eux, tentent de décourager ou de tout gaspiller. Moi par contre. Je recherche la fluidité de l'eau, la légèreté de donner, la chaleur du plaisir comme le feu et la fermeté pour asseoir mon talent et. une base solide et solide comme une base solide Merci mon ami. Je vous souhaite un joyeux Noël et une bonne année pleine de lumière divine et de paix ... ainsi qu'à tous les membres et utilisateurs ici sur
pour moi, je n'arrêterai jamais de nous poster des chansons mon ami. Si j'oublie d'envoyer mon lien musical, vous pouvez venir me rendre visite sur mon profil. Je répondrai for vous.
First of all, I want to thank God for having friends like you, who give me the strength to continue singing, exploring my old personal styles, which, as Franco Galateo says, private styles, which, however old they are, I can still express how much time I wasted all these years, yes, I am the composer and musician, as my splendid friend Jochen-S said, later here at, because I do, I consider, the promoter of my talent, which despite being silent, attracts a certain success, a certain fame, in the face of so many hopelessness that people think and with these, try to discourage or put everything to waste. Me on the other hand. I seek the fluidity of water, the lightness to donate, the warmth of pleasure like fire and the firmness to establish my talent and. a firm and robust foundation as a solid ground. Thank you my friend. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year full of Divine Light and Peace ... as well for all members and users here at
Thanks Friend @Former user Andy, good morning, this song I made in 2005, I used loops from Magix 5, I think I still have these soundpools stored in old CDs. Very beautiful at that time, this music brings me beautiful, beautiful and unforgettable memories of a magical time in my Life!
Oi Paulo meu amigo, ótimo synth pop e uma voz interessante sua...👍🎤👍 Saudações Jochen e tenha um Natal feliz e saudável...🙏
Danke Freund @Jochen-S Jochen, ja, wir sind immer gesund und kümmern uns immer um unser Wohlbefinden! Große Umarmung, ich bin froh, dass dir dieses DanceHouse gefallen hat. @Jochen-S Ich habe diese Stimme im Wohnzimmer eines Hauses aufgenommen, das ich bereits verkauft habe 2005, also bellte mein Hund laut von dem Tor, wo er war, ungefähr 30 bis 40 Meter entfernt. rsrsrsrsr
Lets get the party started for the coming New year, this has that techno/pop/disco vibe, great dance vocals, full of energy and party atmosphere. Have a Happy New Year my friend. cheers. 😀👍🍺🍺🍺🍹
Lets get the party started for the coming New year, this has that techno/pop/disco vibe, great dance vocals, full of energy and party atmosphere. Have a Happy New Year my friend. cheers. 😀👍🍺🍺🍺🍹
😜Es ist wahr, viel Kraft zu dieser Zeit, viel Gesundheit, Glück für Sie, Familie und Freunde, alles Gute immer! Ich habe auch Songs für 🍻🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺 2021, die ich zusammenstelle. 😅Ich werde den Link posten und🍷 dir sagen, frohes neues Jahr, mein Freund Stephen @PATIENT-X , alles Gute immer! 🍻
Es ist gut, dass ich hier die englische Sprache lerne. Ich habe bereits gesehen, dass (Merry) dasselbe ist wie (Happy). ! @PATIENT-X😄👍👍👍👏🙌🍕🧀🍗🍤🍰🎂🍺🍻🍺🍺🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺 @PATIENT-X