
Former user wrote on 5/27/2015, 2:39 AM

"" .......... but above all indispensable in our lives !    >>> j'ai donner et c'est mieux rester seul qu'être accompagner  

Wonderful music == Excellent !        = 5*

Best regards Tony


Former user wrote on 5/27/2015, 7:30 AM

sonically this track I liked, gentle and pleasant sound.
a ballad very well structured.
opinion undoubtedly positive


gerrycix wrote on 5/28/2015, 1:53 PM

Hello Evandromeda,

Very particular sound ....excellent !

Ciao David

tingel wrote on 6/19/2015, 3:42 PM

Hey that's really good. I would have to move to the rocking part being revised ... but I like the idea ... very good and greetings, sorry I'm not online as often ... Andi

Roxall wrote on 7/17/2015, 4:33 AM

Some cool ideas here. Lots of changes then going back to the primary tune, The "verse" part that emphasizes the keyboard and atmosphere is really cool. I think more focus on the song, tighten it up. keep the production and instruments consistent so it sounds more complete rather than an experimental demo. Although very good still.
