Pg - Feel The Groove (Vocoder Version)

ProGressif wrote on 5/22/2014, 10:23 PM
Title: Pg - feel the groove (vocoder version)

Groovy electro all made from scratch so no samples. it's simple like the oldskool days which i prefer. i used Maschine as drumbox/sequencer and as a host for my Ultranova synth with the vocoder. so yes, vocals are mine and sometimes a bit unclear what i say so hear a little sneak peak at what i brabble about : ))
when you feel the groove,
you start to move!
the rhythm flows through your soul!
it gets your body in control!
let it go...
just dance!

it's used in a few varieties in the track....
hope you like it : )


4exjohn wrote on 5/23/2014, 3:02 AM



Gafällt mir gut.

Klasse Synthi-Arbeit.

80s Style.

Könnte meiner Meinung nach so was wie einen Harmoniewechsel vertragen.

Wie schon gesagt:

Synths klingen echt gut.

Yeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa John.



AtomicFusion wrote on 5/23/2014, 3:53 PM

Hey Hey

nice Track

I like


smartsmurf wrote on 5/23/2014, 4:31 PM



Former user wrote on 6/10/2014, 9:17 AM

Hey ProGressif:

Very rhythmic and heart-pounding grooves.  And yes, very danceable music.

Well done!


DanielsAnimations2014 wrote on 6/10/2014, 9:30 AM

The one that I love the most. 

Former user wrote on 6/23/2014, 2:59 PM

Buena musica electronica,suena bien,en su punto de trance,,,un saludo.