One Tin Soldier (Guitar Instrumental)

Guitorb wrote on 12/21/2013, 1:47 PM

 Don't make war. Seriously,it's futile. We like to talk about how bad things might be had this war or that war not been fought. But that is ignoring the simple fact that things could be much better. Believe there is good in the world. Be the good in the world.

-All the Best,Teddy


Michel-Solo-Band wrote on 12/21/2013, 3:40 PM

....merry christmas my friend.

LG  Tyler

Former user wrote on 12/21/2013, 4:49 PM

Sehr gut gespielt .... Musik .. in Gedenken an " Nelson Mandela " ..

Gruß Andreas

Gute Weihnacht !

tingel wrote on 12/22/2013, 11:36 AM

What an unusual stone to this quiet time ... and so I understand that too - great and almost awesome ... top track - thank you for it ...  Freedom!!!... Small star ***** rain ... greetings and have a good time - andi

Origor wrote on 12/22/2013, 1:34 PM

Very smart and fresh guitar playing. It fun to listen.

Remember Nelson Mandela and all the other good people in this world! What better could we do at christmas time!

Thanks a lot.

Regards, Ori.

SpriteBat wrote on 12/23/2013, 1:40 PM

Great music and wise words. I would like to see more people making an attempt to love their "enemies".

The guitar playing is up to your high standards, and I really like the other instrumentation. One small note: I think the ride cymbal could be a bit lower and/or the bass drum a bit higher. Other than that, everything sounds perfect to me.


Perri wrote on 12/27/2013, 5:55 AM

Well, i like it
