
SpriteBat wrote on 11/21/2012, 10:40 PM

All original.

This is another short song that has been finished for a while, but I thought I should make a few mixing adjustments. Then I kind of forgot about it until now. But here is is, finally remixed.

Just a little symphonic composition from the time before the "Initiate Progress" album. I think this was composed around the same time as songs like "Myths of the Desert" and "Cavern of Epiphany". It might have been a few months before or after, but close enough. So I felt that it also had that desert theme. The title "Oases" (more than 1 oasis) refers to Arizona. The natural environment can often be brutal, but at certain times and certain places, that brutality can be forgotten and the beauty can be appreciated.

I do not take credit for the picture, I found it on google. These are the Superstition Mountains-with photo effects added. Very beautiful mountains, even without the effects. :)

Thanks in advance for listening and sharing honest opinions. Happy Thanksgiving, and God bless!


Former user wrote on 11/22/2012, 1:06 AM

Hi SpriteBat : very good work classic music - i like it -  5*****

4exjohn wrote on 11/22/2012, 5:18 AM

Hey SpriteBat.


I take the easy way

and agree with Thomas.

Cheers John.


starless friends

Rohe wrote on 11/22/2012, 11:17 AM

A very good song.

Kein: starless friends und daher 5*

JuanIsidoro wrote on 11/22/2012, 2:10 PM

you're a genius



Last changed by JuanIsidoro on 11/22/2012, 2:10 PM, changed a total of 1 times.


Me llamo Juan Isidoro. Soy de Sevilla al sur de España.Trabajo en un camion y hago musica por placer.

Espero que os guste.

My name is juan Isidoro. I’m from Seville in southern Spain.
Working a truck and do music for pleasure.I hope you like.



gerardrebout wrote on 11/22/2012, 3:40 PM


                         trés belle musique                5*


Rana wrote on 11/23/2012, 5:21 AM

It's always such a wonderful experience to ride on your musical journeys, beats and percussion is truly your strength and along with that I love th emelodies you put together, awesome.

Former user wrote on 11/23/2012, 11:39 AM


good classic job.



Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 11/24/2012, 3:01 PM

EXCELLENT MUSIC !!! I LIKE IT ciao da sandro

Last changed by Sandro_Glavina_Channel on 11/24/2012, 3:01 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA





jorual wrote on 11/25/2012, 4:18 AM

Hi Travis,

Good symphonic work, simple but effective.

Regards Jorual

gunbjo wrote on 11/25/2012, 11:25 AM

With these melodies of yours you've made my day. A really nice piece of work.


Maboe wrote on 11/26/2012, 5:29 AM

A wonderful music! 

Fits the topic very well. Well done!


Starless friend

Sect.23 wrote on 11/28/2012, 10:30 PM



Former user wrote on 11/29/2012, 10:43 AM

I love always music with orchestral instruments ..and thi is a music very impactive ..I think also tha can be used a lot dor documentary film ..very neautiful
With friendship
Antonio Fiorillo

Starless friend

jorgejerzy wrote on 11/29/2012, 2:22 PM

Eine schöne klassische Arbeit.

Vielleicht ein wenig zu kurz. aber sonst alles o.k.

Gruß aus Old Germany


Starless Friend

mohnysh wrote on 12/19/2012, 10:13 AM

sprite my best friend

ur my favourite
