O Esquema (Especial Edition)

Paulo.Costa wrote on 6/12/2022, 5:58 AM
Tags: Wave, Chill out, Ambient, Pop

Instrumental: Jinty


Vocal: APMC (Paulo Costa)


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Perantemente a razão ficou de fora 
e o coração prevaleceu
E agora o que restou foi o nosso amor, foi o nosso clamor
Foi a nossa forma de ver
Um mundo diferente
Me esqueça e você não  vai me ter
Me deixa e você não vai mais ter o grande esquema
O grande problema de não amar

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Baseado nas Obras de Jinty.

versão anterior https://www.magix.info/us/media/o-esquema-90-s-mix--1270351/

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Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 6/12/2022, 7:42 AM

very well - ciao da sandro

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA





Siggi-M wrote on 6/12/2022, 8:29 AM

Wonderful Paulo. 👌. We call this beautiful flower "bleeding heart".

I think your song goes very well with it 🙏 👉❤️.


UliG wrote on 6/12/2022, 12:30 PM

Komposition finde ich geil. Trau dir aber mehr bei deiner Stimme zu. Die muss in den Vordergrund.😉😉😉👍👍👍👍

kreativ_music wrote on 6/12/2022, 1:12 PM

Sehr schön Paulo 🙂✌️👍👏💪 ☝️👉❤️

Jinty wrote on 6/13/2022, 7:58 AM

Hello Paulo,

You've done a great job,I've enjoyed the listen!!!!!!!!!!

All the best,


franco-galateo wrote on 6/13/2022, 11:04 AM

job compositional interesting.. very well


Paulo.Costa wrote on 6/13/2022, 3:00 PM

Hello Paulo,

You've done a great job,I've enjoyed the listen!!!!!!!!!!

All the best,


Hi My Dear @Jinty all the best😚👍🏻🇧🇷

SEA-K wrote on 6/13/2022, 4:36 PM

Very, very well done my friend Paul !! You seem to be making leaps and bounds in your vocals. I so enjoyed your track and I am impressed with your composition and progress. Best regards CHRIS

The bleeding heart flower is one of my favorites. Good choice for a cover.

PATIENT-X wrote on 6/13/2022, 9:28 PM

Hi Paulo, what a beautiful piece from you, love the melody, great spoken vox, nice additional voices from you, a great listen, yes the beauty of life we all must endure together some day, cheers 👍🍺🍺🍺🎹

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Bradford-Alan-Davidson wrote on 6/14/2022, 2:50 PM

Now this is interesting. Good mix and execution. Hope you are well.


Vio-Project wrote on 6/14/2022, 3:13 PM

A very nice song - good work! 👍👍👍👌👌👌

LG Sylvio 😎

Paulo.Costa wrote on 6/14/2022, 4:59 PM

Sehr schön Paulo 🙂✌️👍👏💪 ☝️👉❤️

Thanks My Dear @kreativ_music all the best 😋👍🏻🇧🇷

Kryo wrote on 6/15/2022, 1:26 AM

Very nice soundtrack + pretty nice vocals = nice song

😍 + 😎 = 🤓

Paulo.Costa wrote on 6/17/2022, 2:35 PM

Very nice soundtrack + pretty nice vocals = nice song

😍 + 😎 = 🤓

thank you Roy @Kryoall the best to you family and friends happy day....

Former user wrote on 6/21/2022, 8:20 AM

Sehr gute musikalische Idee (Komposition und Stilart).

❤️ Mir gefällt der Song.

LG - Eddie

Paulo.Costa wrote on 6/21/2022, 8:39 AM

Sehr gute musikalische Idee (Komposition und Stilart).

❤️ Mir gefällt der Song.

LG - Eddie

Helo @Former user 😏

Ich finde es melancholisch. Ja, ich habe mein fabulous vocal dort platziert, um den Gothic-Wave-Geschmack zu verstärken, den ich im Instrumental fühle. übrigens... ich habe meine stimme in dieses lied gesteckt, um diesem wunderschönen lied ein eigenleben zu verleihen. und abgesehen davon, dass es der lieben Jinty sehr gut gefallen hat, ist mir das wichtig. bitte poste ein like. Vielen Dank.

Former user wrote on 6/21/2022, 4:24 PM

Eu cumpri seu desejo. Eu estava em Jinty "Halloween Land".

Paulo.Costa wrote on 6/21/2022, 11:18 PM

Eu cumpri seu desejo. Eu estava em Jinty "Halloween Land".

Hello @Former user

Sie kennen meine Wünsche nicht, Sir Verisce. Ich bin ein ganz anderer Mann als du denkst. Ich bin einfach und bescheiden, ich hänge nicht an materiellen Dingen. Ich brauche nichts, weil das Glück in mir selbst liegt, und ich brauche nicht wirklich die Unterstützung von irgendjemandem, denn zum Zeitpunkt meiner Erstickung werde ich nur da sein, um mich zu beruhigen, mich zu nähren und mich als ein Krieger zu erneuern Mann, den ich habe war immer. Dies natürlich indem ich fertige Loops verwende und/oder modifiziere und/oder meine eigenen Loops erstelle und/oder sie nach meinen Vorstellungen modifiziere. Ich beabsichtige keinen Künstler zu imitieren, geschweige denn die Arbeit anderer zu kopieren, was in diesem Fall hier anmerkt, dass mein Gesang abseits der unterschiedlichen Stilrichtungen ist, also auf meine Weise durch meine Kreativität auf unterschiedlichen Songs basiert, läuft weg vom Hauptthema und daher eine originelle Stimme.

Good Morning 🏖🇧🇷😏👍🏻 Sir Verisce.

Paulo.Costa wrote on 6/22/2022, 8:21 AM

Eu cumpri seu desejo. Eu estava em Jinty "Halloween Land".

@Former user

Paulo.Costa wrote on 6/22/2022, 8:54 AM

Eu cumpri seu desejo. Eu estava em Jinty "Halloween Land".

@Former user hello😏👍🏻

Wenn du dorthin gehst, lade mich ein. Hast du Bilder von dieser Insel für Halloween? Zeig es mir hehehehe

Heikki-HJM wrote on 6/29/2022, 3:46 AM

Nice and beautiful soundtrack 👍💪