No One Said Anything

Guitorb wrote on 10/30/2010, 1:45 PM
Title: 2nd mix
Artists: Guitorb
Album: Collage

"No one said anything to me about a rocket tube,I took the subway."

 ~This one started with a nice little synth plugin (TS 404)for FL studio that I think has a convincing analog sound when manipulated. What do you think?

 ~The drums are a combination of loop samples and MIDI.

 ~The bass guitar is courtesy of Guitorb's trusty old G&L p-bass. The bass amp is Line 6's Gearbox model of an Eden amp (nice and low).

 ~The sratch is another FL Studio plugin (just drop in a sample and use your favorite interface for scratching).

 ~The artwork is by my 9 year old daughter (with some digital editing by Guitorb).

 ~And I'm not going to tell you where I found the dialogue samples.


Former user wrote on 10/30/2010, 1:57 PM

Na, Du -:Und genau so stelle ich mir echt geile Musik vor -:Abgefahren und durchgedreht -:Musik jüngerer Generationen eben -:Mal sehen, wie ich mich so mache -:Ein schönes Teil -:Gefällt mir -:Hat was!



Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 10/30/2010, 2:03 PM

E.S.E. = Electro-shamanic exploration..!!! VERY WELL DONE ! CIAO DA SANDRO

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Frantzi wrote on 10/30/2010, 2:06 PM

Another interesting piece in your life´s work...

At the beginning a little bit too loud overall...

But all in one good "Navajo-Work" like the cover....

And the first fan is here... see beyond my com...



THEJOSUAMAN wrote on 10/30/2010, 3:53 PM

An interesting composition.


I do not consider techno trance, but sometimes it is difficult to categorize the songs.


I liked.



datamix wrote on 10/30/2010, 4:01 PM

This really is experimental muisic tasteful, your second fan here, interesting manipulation you do, voices are difficulties to mach with the aesthetics but it is a very good creation.
Nice cover! congratulation

smartsmurf wrote on 10/30/2010, 4:15 PM

Now that's quite something... unique !!! 

ZIGGI wrote on 10/30/2010, 4:33 PM

Hey Ted,


You really have a knack of making experiments work. I like the way you have worked the song around the synth.

Yeah, thats a super deep bass, very nice.

Keep pushing the envelope my friend.




skiron wrote on 10/30/2010, 4:51 PM

Very good use of the instruments. The indian-chant makes me a little bit confused. Could it be that I have it on a cd? ^^

Cosmozentriker wrote on 10/31/2010, 12:56 AM

.... very nice ethno~avant-garde~trance~music,... I love it!

Beamish-Spartano wrote on 10/31/2010, 2:56 AM

Exzellente Musik, 5* Klasse Klänge, Herzlichen Gruß Joachim,

Hallo Musikfreunde,  jeder hat mal Probleme mit das Abmischen seine Musik der eine weniger als der Andere, ich Biete euch an für ein Kleine Betrag, das Abmischen eure Musik zu Übernehmen, bei Interesse bitte Hier oder in mein Solo Profil Anmelden, Alles andere werde ich euch bei Interesse Informieren, herzlichen Gruß Spartano!  

Former user wrote on 10/31/2010, 3:06 AM

Promising already, you should be proud that this lovely child follow you on a journey on which you excel .... The succession is well ensured .....with a style very promising also ....

jorual wrote on 10/31/2010, 3:55 AM

Hey Ted,


Very interesting experimental sounds, I like the american native voices how you do input in the sounds.


Regards Joaquin

born67 wrote on 10/31/2010, 4:47 AM

very interesting sound.

i like the vocals in the back.

good work.

holie wrote on 10/31/2010, 6:05 AM

I love this personal and little hypnotic expression of you !   Synth sound >> awesome !

But, sorry, the cover of your very old Daughter . . .  oh my goddness . . . this is for me :


more than excellent !


You know, she must be an "old soul" :o) . . . to express herself so wonderful, powerful !   What kind of wonderful accompaniment you have in your live . . . (I hope I find the right words, sorry ?!?!?!)


Sound and mix for me > excellent !

Warm greetings !  Karin

Beamish-Spartano wrote on 10/31/2010, 7:48 AM

Exzellente Musik.



Herzlichen Gruß Beamish

Hallo Musikfreunde,  jeder hat mal Probleme mit das Abmischen seine Musik der eine weniger als der Andere, ich Biete euch an für ein Kleine Betrag, das Abmischen eure Musik zu Übernehmen, bei Interesse bitte Hier oder in mein Solo Profil Anmelden, Alles andere werde ich euch bei Interesse Informieren, herzlichen Gruß Spartano!  

redisland wrote on 10/31/2010, 9:53 AM

hi ted


wieder ein klasse sound

sehr gute arbeit


gruss die redis

Rana wrote on 10/31/2010, 12:41 PM

Shear genius Ted.... and the creativity runs in the blood I guess...give the little angel lots of love from my side, I am sure that she will make you proud and prouder each passing day..


I love the synths that are used in FL studio....with each one having more than plenty presets to choose from and a handful to knobs to tweak...excellent...


The bass line is superb and hits one to the core :)

Former user wrote on 10/31/2010, 1:52 PM

I'm in perfect syntony with Rana ...nothing elese to tell


Antonio Fiorillo

TommyG wrote on 10/31/2010, 2:42 PM

Crazy and great. I don´t know where you found the vocals witch led to the song title, but I suppose an old NASA-dialogue between Houston and the astronauts, when they were joking?


Good FL-work. The scratchings sound very funny, contrasting to the ethic samples.

Sect.23 wrote on 10/31/2010, 4:25 PM

Ted, your skills simply amaze me...the way you combine all these abstract sounds and build the best songs ever!

So good, I had to share. :)

SpriteBat wrote on 10/31/2010, 10:11 PM

As always, there are so many things combined so perfectly. I'm sure that's much more difficult than what I do (just using various synth sounds) but you have mastered the technique. Good song and good picture! It's like the visual equivalent of your music.

Cosmozentriker wrote on 11/1/2010, 12:06 AM

... it's me again!

siggi_s wrote on 11/1/2010, 2:31 AM



sehr aussergewöhnlich und daher schon Klasse!


G siggi

Former user wrote on 11/1/2010, 11:17 AM

i´m late - sorry! love this dub-bass-line!!!

another track that reminds me why you´re my musical mastemind!!!

deeply impressed    michi