Never Say Goodbye. Rewob wrote on 9/12/2020, 9:08 AM 0 105 Tags: Chill out, Easy listening, Soul So sad when you have to say goodbye to someone you love, we’ve all been in that place, When I heard this superb pella about breaking up it was a must for me to build a track around it. I’ve added some accoustic guitar to add to the melancholy. Back to post
Comments Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 9/12/2020, 9:24 AM excellent performance - ciao da sandro Jochen-S wrote on 9/12/2020, 9:27 AM Hi, nice melodic track with an interesting guitar solo... to you. I liked it...Greetings Jochen wrote on 9/13/2020, 4:10 AM I love-it--🙂 Rewob wrote on 9/13/2020, 4:28 AM @Sandro_Glavina_Channel Thank you Sandro for your kind words.👍👍👍 Rewob wrote on 9/13/2020, 4:30 AM @Jochen-S Nice you liked the guitar solo Jochen.👍👍👍 Rewob wrote on 9/13/2020, 4:32 AM Thank you so much mischa.👍👍👍 1