
ZIGGI wrote on 5/3/2009, 2:49 PM
Das ist mein neues Lied.
Über eines meiner persönlichen hasst.
Mobiltelefone. Immer gestört nutzlos fordert und Texte zurückzugreifen.
Einige der Wörter sind meine Ausreden für nicht reagiert.

Drums, Percussion, FX-und Gitarrensolo sind Samples.
Bass-, Rhythmus-Gitarre, Streicher, alle mit MIDI.
Und ein wenig Hilfe von meiner Tastatur.

Gesang und Worte von mir.

This is my new song.
About one of my personal hates.
Mobile telephones. Always being bothered by useless calls and texts.
Some of the words are my excuses for not responding.

Drums, percussion, fx and guitar solo are samples.
Bass, Rhythm guitar, strings, all with midi.
And a little help from my keyboard.

Vocals and words from me.


I am terribly sorry but my phone wasn't on
I would give you a call but the battery's gone
I would plug it right in the electrical main
But that's pointless too, out of network range

I am terribly sorry that you can't get through
If you give me a number i'll get back to you
Just leave me your message right after the tone
And i promise i'll listen when i get home

Constant connection
Call rejection
Always calling me
No more privacy
Always texting
What's the next thing
Gotta go now
Out of network range

I am terribly sorry but my phone wasn't on
I would give you a call but the battery's gone
I would plug it right in the electrical main
But that's pointless too, out of network range

Constant connection
Call rejection
Always calling me
No more privacy
Always texting
What's the next thing
Gotta go now
Out of network range

"    "


Former user wrote on 5/3/2009, 3:50 PM
Hi Brian,
What can I say. Commenting on your music always make me feel like a pupil giving marks to the teacher instead of the other way around. Your voice is brilliant as usual and for every track you upload here you refine your very own style. Very very good!

One tip from myself: Just bought a brand new mobile phone with a 7 megapixel camera. I just swith off the phone signal, chose "flight mode" and use it as a portable camera and as an Ipod. Fits nicely in the pocket and it's always there if the right photographic motif suddenly shows up. But that's just how I am.
Former user wrote on 5/3/2009, 4:23 PM

Hello Brian,

the telephone is not my thing either.
It very often annoys me,........... however your music is as always top.

Best regards
ThaiArne wrote on 5/3/2009, 10:27 PM
Cool song, great lyrics, very good idea... cool fx and perfect sound...
as always...!!!
Former user wrote on 5/4/2009, 1:30 AM
Nothing left to say. Over.

LEFTHANDER wrote on 5/4/2009, 2:11 AM
Hi Brian ,

a very cool Rocktrack.
However Top Arrangement.
This Song is for the Fame of Hall.

B. R. Detlef

Former user wrote on 5/4/2009, 5:18 AM
Former user wrote on 5/4/2009, 7:36 AM
Hi Brian, a first-class voice, a really good rock song! I'm impressed! Best Regards, Ralf   It`s my FAV

StoneFace wrote on 5/4/2009, 8:14 AM
Hi my friend.
Do You see the smilie from Nosferatus. That it is, what i hear
Great Sound.
Nice week
Former user wrote on 5/4/2009, 10:17 AM
Former user wrote on 5/4/2009, 10:54 AM
Nice theme, excellent work! And really like the bass^^
You are the master of Rock in this com!
6-21-3-11 wrote on 5/4/2009, 11:02 AM
redisland wrote on 5/4/2009, 11:04 AM
papstar wrote on 5/4/2009, 12:31 PM
Das ist ja Obergeil***************
Hätte noch lange weiter hören können. Da hört man den Profi raus.
Würde ich ohne weiteres als CD kaufen.
Das sind 6 Sterne

Former user wrote on 5/4/2009, 3:21 PM
i know what you mean.especially when people attempt to drive in front of you on them..very good tune!
Frantzi wrote on 5/4/2009, 3:35 PM
All told before!


P.S.: Sometimes ago I´ve found a pusch button on my cellphone: OFF
ArtistW wrote on 5/4/2009, 5:46 PM
Yea man, thats what I am saying. Very good work. 
TommyG wrote on 5/5/2009, 1:46 AM
Hi Ziggi, das groovt mächtig gewaltig. Gute Gitarren- und wunderbare Vocalarbeit. Ein Rocksong wie aus einem Guss.

masni wrote on 5/5/2009, 4:12 AM
Hallo Brian !!      Ich kann  nichts  Neues hinzufuegen, es ist schon Alles gesagt worden    .. 

 Einfach   BRAVISSIMO  !!      sagt man auf Italienisch      Ciao Carl
Soundschill wrote on 5/5/2009, 11:32 AM
Hi Brain my friend,
so i can also not serve this shit mobile phones, they are more complicated like a computer. I hate all these fools which everywhere with her mobile phone walk around.
Really title !!!
Blackpool wrote on 5/5/2009, 12:01 PM
Wauw, very strong sound!!! Can not sit still "smile".
Former user wrote on 5/5/2009, 1:34 PM
Hallo Brain,
(Rock Vater)


smartsmurf wrote on 5/5/2009, 5:23 PM
Former user wrote on 5/5/2009, 8:14 PM