Die Musik klingt überhaupt nicht nach "sadness", passt demnach nicht zum aktuellen Thema. Davon abgesehen ist Dir ein schönes, positives Musikstück gelungen. Der Klang ist auch okay ❤️
The music does not sound like "sadness" at all, so it does not fit the current topic. Apart from that, you have succeeded in creating a beautiful, positive piece of music. The sound is also okay ❤️
Hellraiser I guess My sadness is expressed differently from your sadness. Your read is way off and I refuse to capitulate. This F war kicks up a lot of bad experiences in my past. I know sadness and pain. Trust me there is sadness in every note. But this should not be about me. I guess it's a matter of where we come from and where we have been. Otherwise I thank you for your 'beautiful, positive' comment. Respectfully, CHRIS
Hi Chris, it sounds like an old song that i used to like to hear. Just like I liked hearing yours.
I like it...Suuuper 👌👍❤️
Hi Siggi,
Always a pleasure to hear from you my friend, even though the song is supposed to reflect an emotion of sadness, for you I am pleased it sparked a pleasant tune of the past. Always the best for you and yours, CHRIS
Hi APMC Your comment is greatly appreciated my friend. Music is a wonderful vehicle to express how we feel and communicate and even tell stories. But you already know all that. Best regards CHRIS.