this is the front cover of my latest music album, the beginning. this is the smaller size version. It is me in the photo incase anyone wants to know and me in the small tv's on wall behind.
please write in english. The no more games is a t-shirt of mine i made. has the words on the front and a picture of me on the back but me as a scary monster with sharp teeth. I dont know what else you wrote so if you can write it in english then i would be able to reply back.
smartsmurf, thanks for clearing that up. the quality would be better if i put up the full version but for obvious reasons i wont be doing that. I completely understand the issue with taste and i look at it from the same point of view as other artists who do music such as Marilyn Manson whos album covers or liked by taste of the music he makes and vise versa. My music co excists with the artwork i create being on the horror side and that the album it self has a theme/sound to it that this image represents.
other info about image: original image size is 3008 x 2000. not ideal size for front cover since the aspect ratio needs to be the same so the quality becomes lost when changed for printing but the image still stands.