Monday Morning

ZIGGI wrote on 2/16/2013, 4:19 PM

Hello music friends.

Many of my friends have said that i no longer make Rock music. So in reply i have made this song. So judge for yourselves.

Inspired by a work colleague who could not work with the bosses son. And subsequently left to work for himself. But the lyrics could work in many senarios.

Made mainly with a bucket full of Samples. Although a little MIDI was used.

All Lyrics written and perfomed by me.

Enjoy it loud on headphones.


Hallo Musikfreunde.

Viele meiner Freunde haben gesagt, dass ich nicht mehr machen Rockmusik. So in der Antwort habe ich dieses Lied gemacht. Also für sich selbst urteilen.

Inspiriert von einer Arbeitskollegin, die nicht mit der Bosse Sohn funktionieren könnte. Und anschließend links, für sich selbst zu arbeiten. Aber die Texte könnten in vielen senarios arbeiten.

Hergestellt meist mit einem Eimer voller Samples. Obwohl ein wenig MIDI wurde verwendet.

Alle Texte geschrieben und von mir perfomed.

Genießen Sie es laut über Kopfhörer.



Just another damn Monday morning

And week ahead is suddenly dawning

And all i can see is red

When the motivation in me is dead


It's another damn Monday morning

And the chance of my happiness calling

And to stay i must be out of my head

When the future is clearly ahead


So you know what you can do

Don't you treat me like a fool

Go ahead and see if you can cope on your own


"                           "


So you know what you can do

Don't you treat me like a fool

Go ahead and see if you can cope on your own


"                          "


Just another damn Monday morning

And week ahead is suddenly dawning

And all i can see is red

When the motivation in me is dead


So you know what you can do

Don't you treat me like a fool

Go ahead and see if you can cope on your own


"                           "


Pyrex wrote on 2/16/2013, 6:00 PM

Yes, the loudness was on maximum....

.....and i think tomorrow it will be the same:-)

5* ..... the maximum too.

Former user wrote on 2/16/2013, 6:31 PM

Hi ziggi 

Very good work rock music and voice  nice music 

I like it     5*****

Former user wrote on 2/16/2013, 10:34 PM

Ouw....sehr geil............wirklich ;)


lg Serge

tingel wrote on 2/17/2013, 3:47 AM

Who said that you don´t even play Rock? Your Answer is ROCK - Grunge in a way you can listen in radio... nice done! Congratulation - only with Samples? Respect! good work... FAV & 5***** best wishes Tingel

Leomax wrote on 2/17/2013, 8:51 AM


Very good rock music

5* Leomax

datamix wrote on 2/18/2013, 1:57 PM

That is the sounds pure rock and rooll!!!

Love it


Michel-Solo-Band wrote on 2/18/2013, 4:18 PM

As all in the last years a very good music from my friend.

.. Pyrex ,...yes ,`s rock & roll.

Yes, the loudness was on maximum....

.....and i think tomorrow it will be the same:-)

5* ..... the maximum too.

....and this is OK for my friend.

...Tyler........& FAV

Former user wrote on 2/19/2013, 5:30 AM

Feinste Rock-Mucke mit perfektem Sound und klasse Vocals.

LEFTHANDER wrote on 2/19/2013, 1:17 PM

Hallo Brian,

bist selten in der Comm. hier aber musikalisch einer der Stimme und Texten hast du auch nie Probleme....coole Nummer wie immer !



Guitarjams wrote on 2/19/2013, 11:28 PM

Alright! Great to hear your still making killer tracks. Sounds fantastic.

Former user wrote on 2/20/2013, 4:20 AM

Hallo Brian,

ein echt "saustarker" Track!

Gefällt mir sehr gut!

♫ Musikalische Grüße von THE HEIR OLAF".........Biker-Rock and more! ♪

Former user wrote on 2/20/2013, 4:52 AM

Ich bin es noch mal!

Auf jeden Fall solltest Du weiter machen mit Rockmusik!!!

Das ist Dein Gebiet!!!

Ich habe gerade Schwierigkeiten, Deinen Track hier runterzuladen!

Weißt Du, wie es geht?

Sonst maile mir den Track doch mal bitte über meine Musikerseite zu:


TommyG wrote on 2/20/2013, 12:36 PM

Ich wünschte, du wärst öfter hier, Brian. Das ist wieder ein Hammerrock-Teil, ganz und gar Ziggi-typisch, gewohnte Qualität, gewohnter lässiger Gesang, gewohnter Ohrwurm-Groove.

Hoffe auf mehr von dir; deine Songs sind hochgradig inspirierend.



Former user wrote on 2/21/2013, 9:07 AM

....wieder einmal zeigst Du was Du drauf hast....sehr jeglicher Hinsicht !!!!!!!!!!

Perfekt abgemischt.....

Great Music......

LG stefan

Frantzi wrote on 2/21/2013, 1:18 PM

best grooves, great guitar, good lyrics, great song....

jorual wrote on 2/23/2013, 6:15 AM

Hi Brian,

Nice to hear you again, great rock-song, and take to Fav.

Greetings Jorual

Soulbridge wrote on 2/23/2013, 2:03 PM


That´s realy a greatfull havy rock-song.

Good arranged, fine guitare and voice.

See u on stage



Pyrex wrote on 2/24/2013, 7:33 PM


Richtig!:   --->FAV (to my favourites)

Former user wrote on 2/25/2013, 12:30 PM

Hoi Ziggi

Hier gefällt mir sehr gut der Kontrast zwischen Deiner Stimme und den Power-Chords. Der Baß tut sich unten herum ein wenig schwer, hab ich den Eindruck ( z.B 3.11; 3.20 ). Da " wummerts " meiner Ansicht nach ein wenig.

Aus den Solo-Sampels hast Du Dir die besten Stücke rausgeschnitten und zu einem sehr gut laufenden Solo zusammengeschnitten.

Hat mich gefreut wieder von Dir zu hören. Du hast irgendwie eine banale Gleichgültigkeit/ Lässigkeit  in der Stimme, welche mich doch immer wieder mitnimmt. Und das gerne!

I think you`ve given your friends the right answer!

Bis dann Ex- Rocker


smartsmurf wrote on 2/25/2013, 1:35 PM

So your friends just got "rocked"...

StoneFace wrote on 3/19/2013, 12:48 PM

Hi Brian,

you're a exceptional talent and it has me once again prepares much joy to be able to listen to you. You know, I'm a fan of your music
and the sound is great as almost always

best regards

Father_of_Joy wrote on 4/11/2013, 9:55 AM

Go ahead and you'll always can cope 

A really good rock music with the right voice ... It also fits.

Former user wrote on 8/10/2013, 2:37 PM

wow, cool, i like it

Former user wrote on 9/18/2013, 5:50 PM

REALLY GREAT!  This is the type of rock that I like and yes, it needs to be loud with headphones,   I must have had it too loud because my dogs were barking at me and I couldn't hear them, just saw their mouths yapping.

Again, I'm glad I found your music on here!
