Just a practice piece really, using the Revolta2 synthesizers and only maybe 2 drum samples. I find the synthesizers or, midi capable instruments involved with Magix..makes for a more 'original' piece.
Schöne Musik, leider viel zu Kurz, Herzlichen Gruß Spartano!
Former user
wrote on 2/6/2012, 10:37 AM
un bel brano interamente elettronico, con un arpeggio molto piacevole da ascoltare, synth , e pad che si intrecciano in un susseguirsi di note , che ordinate vanno a creare la melodia.
Struttura semplice ma molto ben eseguita,
IL Pezzo è bello
Ciao Franco (GalaeGala)
Former user
wrote on 2/6/2012, 11:06 AM
>Wirkt sehr verträumt___.... so fein durch die taumelnden Klängen.... , könnte vielleicht noch etwas länger sein....
Thank you all for the critique's. Most eveyone says it's short...I agree, but like I said in the description, it's just a sample piece. I only got the 'Magix' program a few weeks ago and havn't still yet to unlease all it's wonderfull things. I agree with what someone said that the synths are to heavy compared to the beat/drums. Maybe I'll tweak it, but I think I'm inspired to try a new composition of sorts. Thanks again. I will have to make a more "Complete" piece of work.
Former user
wrote on 2/8/2012, 10:03 AM
Ein schönes Lied etwas kurz.....Aber nicht schlecht....