
Former user wrote on 9/8/2020, 2:04 AM


very good experimental Style..

ILike it very much..



franco-galateo wrote on 9/8/2020, 3:11 AM

good idea compositional.. this is a very good track.. compliment


Jochen-S wrote on 9/8/2020, 3:28 AM

Oi Paulo meu amigo,
ótima combinação de instrumentos e sua voz... Eu gostei...👍👌👍
Saudações Jochen e mantenha-se saudável.

Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/8/2020, 5:39 AM

Oi Paulo meu amigo,
ótima combinação de instrumentos e sua voz... Eu gostei...👍👌👍
Saudações Jochen e mantenha-se saudável.

Obrigado Amigo @Jochen-S estou me mantendo saudável. Estou comendo muita salada de frutas por aqui. Obrigado pelo "Like". Felicidades, Sucesso e Saude para você e sua Família!

Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/8/2020, 5:41 AM


very good experimental Style..

ILike it very much..



Thank you Friend @Former user

All the best man!!


@Former user this song I made based on an earlier version from 2005. Thanks for the "like". Hugs. LG Paulo Costa.

THANK you for like

Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/8/2020, 5:41 AM

good idea compositional.. this is a very good track.. compliment


Thank you Friend @franco-galateo

All the best my Friend!! 😊👍🏼❤

horst-d wrote on 9/8/2020, 7:20 AM

hello Paulo,

good rhythm

good melody 🎹🎷🎺🎻🎹♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪

voice is getting better👍👍👍👍👍

 ♪♪♪🎼💙 💜 💛 💚😊❤️🎧♪♪♪

Best wishes Horst😎

Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/8/2020, 7:54 AM

hello Paulo,

good rhythm

good melody 🎹🎷🎺🎻🎹♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪

voice is getting better👍👍👍👍👍

 ♪♪♪🎼💙 💜 💛 💚😊❤️🎧♪♪♪

Best wishes Horst😎



Thank you Friend @horst-d


🍁🍀🍁🍀🍁🍀🍁🍀 @horst-d




Siggi-M wrote on 9/8/2020, 9:42 AM

Hi Paulo,você está na sua música com toda a sua paixão.

Muito bem, meu amigo 👌👍👏🎤🎧🎼


Former user wrote on 9/8/2020, 11:47 AM

Hi Paulo my friend,

beautiful song from you...and as Carsten said before...a little bit experimental, but really good... I like it very much👍👍👍👍

All the best


Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/8/2020, 1:38 PM

Hi Paulo my friend,

beautiful song from you...and as Carsten said before...a little bit experimental, but really good... I like it very much👍👍👍👍

All the best



hello Bért. @Former user this MUSIC is nothing more than a version of another old song of mine, created in 2005, called "tv soap operas", you can listen to this link below. Thanks for the like !! Hugs. LG. Paulo Costa.




Former user wrote on 9/8/2020, 3:54 PM

Hi Paulo,
Join me Bert, I like this style very much and I like to hear it. 👍👍👍👍
Greetings Gerd

Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 9/8/2020, 5:34 PM

wonderful job - ciao da sandro

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/8/2020, 5:38 PM

wonderful job - ciao da sandro

My Friend and Mestre @Sandro_Glavina_Channel Glavina said, how are you, okay ?! I hope you, your family and friends are all well, this song I made based on an earlier version from 2005. Thanks for the "like". Hugs. LG Paulo Costa.


Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/8/2020, 5:40 PM

Hi Paulo,
Join me Bert, I like this style very much and I like to hear it. 👍👍👍👍
Greetings Gerd

Thank you My Friend @Former user

this song I made based on an earlier version from 2005. Thanks for the "like". Hugs. LG Paulo Costa.

Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/8/2020, 5:41 PM

Hi Paulo,você está na sua música com toda a sua paixão.

Muito bem, meu amigo 👌👍👏🎤🎧🎼


thank you my Friend siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigeeeeeee


this song I made based on an earlier version from 2005. Thanks for the "like". Hugs. LG Paulo Costa.

Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/8/2020, 5:42 PM

good idea compositional.. this is a very good track.. compliment


thank you my Friend @franco-galateo

this song I made based on an earlier version from 2005. Thanks for the "like". Hugs. LG Paulo Costa.

Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/8/2020, 6:07 PM

Hello Paulo,

It's a very nice song!!!!!!!!!

All the best,


Thank you dear @Jinty Jinty !! Happiness to you and your family and friends! Hugs from your friend Paulo !! 👍🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼

I am very pleased with your presence Dear Jinty



Pat_02 wrote on 9/28/2020, 11:48 AM

Eu já gosto do piano, assim como daquele ritmo espasmódico e então daquela atmosfera especial e estranha e você sabe, eu gosto de tudo estranho e estranho lol! muito violão então o que transforma essa estranha atmosfera do início. Uma composição muito bem feita e eu gosto do que vem logo depois da guitarra, pois é uma passagem ainda mais especial com esse som de fundo de sintetizadores que gosto muito, por outro lado a voz é um pouco forte e esconde um apenas esses sintetizadores, uma pena! mas em todo caso é muito bom, muito bem!
Saudações amistosas.

I love the piano already, as well as that jerky rhythm and then that special and weird atmosphere and you know I like everything weird and weird lol! very acoustic guitar then which transforms this strange atmosphere of the start. A very well done composition ey I like what comes immediately after the guitar, because it is an even more special passage with this background sound of synths which I like a lot, on the other hand the voice is a little strong and hides a just these synths, too bad! but in any case it's very good, well done!
Friendly greetings.

J'aime le piano déjà, ainsi que cette rythmique saccadée et puisq cette atmosphère spéciale et étrange et tu sais que j'aime tout ce qui est étrange et bizarre lol ! très la guitare acoustique ensuite qui transforme cette atmosphère étrange du départ. Une composition très bien faite ey j'aime ce qui vient tout de suite après la guitare, car c'est un passage encore plus spécial avec ce fond sonre de synthés qui me plait beaucoup, par contre la voix est un peu forte et masque un peu justement ces synthés, dommage ! mais en tout cas c'est très bon, bravo ! 
Salutations amicales.


Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/28/2020, 11:53 AM

Eu já gosto do piano, assim como daquele ritmo espasmódico e então daquela atmosfera especial e estranha e você sabe, eu gosto de tudo estranho e estranho lol! muito violão então o que transforma essa estranha atmosfera do início. Uma composição muito bem feita e eu gosto do que vem logo depois da guitarra, pois é uma passagem ainda mais especial com esse som de fundo de sintetizadores que gosto muito, por outro lado a voz é um pouco forte e esconde um apenas esses sintetizadores, uma pena! mas em todo caso é muito bom, muito bem!
Saudações amistosas.

I love the piano already, as well as that jerky rhythm and then that special and weird atmosphere and you know I like everything weird and weird lol! very acoustic guitar then which transforms this strange atmosphere of the start. A very well done composition ey I like what comes immediately after the guitar, because it is an even more special passage with this background sound of synths which I like a lot, on the other hand the voice is a little strong and hides a just these synths, too bad! but in any case it's very good, well done!
Friendly greetings.

J'aime le piano déjà, ainsi que cette rythmique saccadée et puisq cette atmosphère spéciale et étrange et tu sais que j'aime tout ce qui est étrange et bizarre lol ! très la guitare acoustique ensuite qui transforme cette atmosphère étrange du départ. Une composition très bien faite ey j'aime ce qui vient tout de suite après la guitare, car c'est un passage encore plus spécial avec ce fond sonre de synthés qui me plait beaucoup, par contre la voix est un peu forte et masque un peu justement ces synthés, dommage ! mais en tout cas c'est très bon, bravo ! 
Salutations amicales.


Thank you Friend @Pat_02 hugs you and family HEALTH and SUCESS!!

Pat_02 wrote on 9/28/2020, 2:41 PM

Eu também, meu amigo, e mil desculpas por não ter estado presente ultimamente mas como te disse anteriormente tenho estado muito ocupado e queria aproveitar o bom tempo excepcional, porque agora desde o fim semana passada está chovendo e não faz mais calor ...

Me too, my friend, and a thousand apologies for not having been present lately but as I told you previously I have been very busy and I wanted to take advantage of the exceptional good weather, because now since the end last week it's raining and no longer hot ...

Moi de même l'ami, et milles excuses pour ne pas avoir été présent ces derniers temps mais comme je te l'ai dit précédemment j'ai été bien occupé et j'ai voulu profiter du beau temps exceptionnel, car maintenant depuis la fin de semaine dernière il pleut et ne fait plus chaud...


Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/28/2020, 2:50 PM

Eu também, meu amigo, e mil desculpas por não ter estado presente ultimamente mas como te disse anteriormente tenho estado muito ocupado e queria aproveitar o bom tempo excepcional, porque agora desde o fim semana passada está chovendo e não faz mais calor ...

Me too, my friend, and a thousand apologies for not having been present lately but as I told you previously I have been very busy and I wanted to take advantage of the exceptional good weather, because now since the end last week it's raining and no longer hot ...

Moi de même l'ami, et milles excuses pour ne pas avoir été présent ces derniers temps mais comme je te l'ai dit précédemment j'ai été bien occupé et j'ai voulu profiter du beau temps exceptionnel, car maintenant depuis la fin de semaine dernière il pleut et ne fait plus chaud...


C'est bien que biene maintenant bien tout soit avec you, et avec votre ville nice, good. Je crois que le climat est équilibré maintenant, ni trop froid ni trop chaud, tout va bien, sois toujours heureux Ami @Pat_02 Patrick, santé et réussite avec ta MUSIQUE et divers projets.

Pat_02 wrote on 9/28/2020, 3:12 PM

Sim meu amigo,
mas aqui o tempo está piorando e está normal porque passamos bem no começo do outono e esse calor excessivo não era normal principalmente neste período, então agora acabou a regata e as camisetas leves e bermudas, porque de manhã não mais que 8 ou 10 graus e à tarde 13 a 14 graus enquanto na semana passada ainda tínhamos 28 graus e nas semanas anteriores até 35 graus.

Yes my friend,
but here the weather is deteriorating and it is normal because we passed at the very beginning of the autumn and this excessive heat was not normal especially in this period, so now finished the tank top and the light t-shirts and Bermuda shorts, because in the morning no more than 8 or 10 degrees and in the afternoon 13 to 14 degrees while last week we still had 28 degrees and the previous weeks up to 35 degrees.

Oui mon ami,
mais ici le temps se dégrade et c'est normal car nous sommes passé au tout début de l'automne et cette chaleur excessive n'était pas normale surtout en cette période, donc maintenant terminé le débardeur et les tee shirts légers et bermudas, car le matin pas plus de 8 ou 10 degrés et l'après midi 13 à 14 degrés alors que la semaine dernière nous avions encore du 28 degrés et les semaines précédentes jusqu'à du 35 degrés.