Meu Som Meu Horizonte (Version Techno)

Paulo.Costa wrote on 7/28/2021, 8:51 PM
Tags: Other, Synthpop, Ambient, Dance, Alternative, Pop, Disco, Folk music, Soundtrack, Techno, House

Meu Som que me leva
para lugares 
que eu mais quero

Meu Som
Meu Som
Esta Comigo
Esta Comigo

E não há mais nada 
Além do que ...
Meu Som

Meu som ...

O horizonte longínquo ... 
... está mais para Sempre ..
Meu Som ...




PATIENT-X wrote on 7/28/2021, 9:00 PM

Hi Paolo, Wow great carnival sounding intro, great drum beats, a very catchy melody, great groovy song, it has that brazilian style to it, cheers. 😀👍🍺🍺🍺🙏



Pc self build by me.

New photo, upgrades.

Upgraded GPU, CPU, CPU cooler, March 2025.

Azza Pyramid 804 case

Intel Core i7-13700K

Thermalright Peerless Assassin 120 digital black CPU cooler.

Kingston FURY Beast 32GB (16GB x 2) 4800MHz DDR5

Geforce GTX1080ti Founders edition

Firecuda 530 1tb SSD Nvme


Corsair RM1000x 80 PLUS Gold Fully Modular ATX 1000 Watt Power Supply

5in LCD Screen

Lian Li UNI SL120 V2 triple fans

MSI Meg Unify Z690 motherboard



Paulo.Costa wrote on 7/28/2021, 9:11 PM

Hi Paolo, Wow great carnival sounding intro, great drum beats, a very catchy melody, great groovy song, it has that brazilian style to it, cheers. 😀👍🍺🍺🍺🙏

Ja, ja, ja, mein Freund @PATIENT-X Stephen, ich habe hier viele Loops verwendet, ich habe einen gemischten Salat mit Stilvariationen gemacht, ich mache hier noch ein paar mehr.

J.olly.way wrote on 7/29/2021, 2:23 AM

it seems a lovely place and within you voice I hear such a desire for you to be there it come out with the vibes in the music illuminating your feelings great work Paolo so good to hear good on ya from olly

Siggi-M wrote on 7/29/2021, 2:57 AM

Hi Paulo,nice rhythm and your singing goes well with it 👌👏👏👏...🎤👍


Jochen-S wrote on 7/29/2021, 3:46 AM

Hi Paulo my friend,
arranged musically with a fantastic voice👍🎤👍... BRAVO...
It's a shame you didn't hear my last track...
Greetings and many hugs🙏,
Jochen ...

Paulo.Costa wrote on 7/29/2021, 5:27 AM

Hi Paulo my friend,
arranged musically with a fantastic voice👍🎤👍... BRAVO...
It's a shame you didn't hear my last track...
Greetings and many hugs🙏,
Jochen ...

Hi @Jochen-S my sorry i listening your track sorry 🤭☕🙌🏻🎶🎵🎶🎧☕🌻🇧🇷

Paulo.Costa wrote on 7/29/2021, 5:49 AM

Hi Paulo,nice rhythm and your singing goes well with it 👌👏👏👏...🎤👍


Taaaaalk My Friend Siiiiigeeeeeeen... power hugs my Friend @Siggi-M all the best my Friend for you and is Family and Friends 🤗😜👍🏻🎧🥁

Paulo.Costa wrote on 7/29/2021, 5:51 AM

it seems a lovely place and within you voice I hear such a desire for you to be there it come out with the vibes in the music illuminating your feelings great work Paolo so good to hear good on ya from olly

Thank you Friend All the best my @J.olly.way your music is the wonderful is the your Vocal Super!! Congratulations my Friend.. 🤗👍🏻👍🏻🥁🥁🎧👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 hugs hugs hugs my Frieeeeeeend 😊👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🇧🇷

franco-galateo wrote on 7/29/2021, 6:18 AM

good sound and interesting vocal performance.. very well


ITCHYPHOX wrote on 7/29/2021, 6:53 AM

Some deep cool house music, love the li'l beeps man boop boop de beep 👈🙂👉 could easily dance away to that on the floor yeah slow steps for a sweet smooth ride, nice 1 cheers. 🙂✌️

Former user wrote on 7/29/2021, 8:09 AM

Hi Paulo,

cool house or techno music or both... with a fantastic groove and very good voice of yours i like it very much👌👍👌👏

All the best and many hugs my friend


helmut-scheller wrote on 7/29/2021, 12:42 PM

realy cool voice !!!👍👍

Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 7/29/2021, 1:18 PM

Song very well done - Eu gosto da prevalência rítmica percussiva - ciao da sandro

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Paulo.Costa wrote on 7/29/2021, 1:44 PM

realy cool voice !!!👍👍

Hi My Friend Welcome Hemut-scheller. hugs thank you my Friend @helmut-scheller all the best my Friend for you and is Family and Friends your.... hug hugs hugs 😊👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🇧🇷

Paulo.Costa wrote on 7/29/2021, 1:49 PM

Song very well done - Eu gosto da prevalência rítmica percussiva - ciao da sandro

I was also impressed when there's this kind of uninterrupted drumming sequence the time turns to magic that didn't even feel passing. Thank you my Friend Glavino @Sandro_Glavina_Channel 😊👍🏻👏🏻🇧🇷

Paulo.Costa wrote on 7/29/2021, 1:53 PM

Hi Paulo,

cool house or techno music or both... with a fantastic groove and very good voice of yours i like it very much👌👍👌👏

All the best and many hugs my friend


Thank you friend Bért @Former user you are also the best when making your music, congratulations also that makes always active. Hugs. Paulo Costa

Paulo.Costa wrote on 7/29/2021, 1:55 PM

Some deep cool house music, love the li'l beeps man boop boop de beep 👈🙂👉 could easily dance away to that on the floor yeah slow steps for a sweet smooth ride, nice 1 cheers. 🙂✌️

Big Friend @ITCHYPHOX, ItchyPhox... thank you my Friend Philips hugs hugs hugs the version old in the top your looking thank you my Friend all the best....

Paulo Costa 🇧🇷☺✌️

cmartin wrote on 7/29/2021, 3:55 PM


Geht ganz schön ab!!!

Gefällt mir und mach weiter so!!!👍

Üb mal schön weiter mit Deiner Stimme!!! Getraut sich nicht jeder!!!

Viele liebe Grüße Chris😊

Paulo.Costa wrote on 7/29/2021, 4:29 PM


Geht ganz schön ab!!!

Gefällt mir und mach weiter so!!!👍

Üb mal schön weiter mit Deiner Stimme!!! Getraut sich nicht jeder!!!

Viele liebe Grüße Chris😊

Es ist wahr. Ich denke, Singen ist eher ein persönliches Vergnügen als ein soziales Vergnügen. Es gibt zum Beispiel Leute, die im Badezimmer richtig gut singen, aber in der Öffentlichkeit anzukommen ist ein Fiasko. 🤣🤣😂🤣😂🇧🇷 thank you Friend All the best my Friend @cmartin



Former user wrote on 8/9/2021, 10:27 AM

I like the positive vibes Your song transports. 😃 Well done!
Kind regards,
Jörg (Sandizzz)

Paulo.Costa wrote on 8/15/2021, 5:41 AM

I like the positive vibes Your song transports. 😃 Well done!
Kind regards,
Jörg (Sandizzz)

Hi My Freind @Former user Sandoz, thanks for your attention, your voice is excellent too!

jeremy-curry wrote on 8/18/2021, 6:52 AM

Nice track, cool beat and vocals again! Thanks for sharing! Jeremy(Mandelbrot)

DJ-HERMAN wrote on 9/29/2021, 3:50 AM

Twój utwór też jest dobry POZDRAWIAM I ŻYCZĘ ZDROWIA Herman ✌️✌️✌️✌️👌👌👌👌

Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/30/2021, 2:54 PM

Twój utwór też jest dobry POZDRAWIAM I ŻYCZĘ ZDROWIA Herman ✌️✌️✌️✌️👌👌👌👌


Thank You My Frined