Megan (Fox) by Bobbie L. Washington

twotrybe wrote on 12/26/2011, 9:33 PM
Width: 1920
Height: 1080
Duration: 08:04
Format: x-ms-asf

This really isn't about Megan Fox but an update on two programs that I use. One is Sonar X1 Producer. I upgraded from Sonar X1 Essentials and this is my first effort under that program. When I started, you have to name the file so I just went with Megan, I could have just used Joy or Lorena but that was the first thing that popped in my head and hey, it worked out fine. Producer operates better than Essentials and doesn't give me the troubles that Essentials did. There are still a lot more to Producer and there are some things I still need to work out such as re-establishing the Guitar Rig 4 plugin. The upgrade had me remove my version and replace it with its version but that was a problem so I had to reload Guitar Rig 4 all over again. I'll work that out later. The music composition was done in a few hours. The Pro Channel module is pretty nice and the sound is clean. I hope you enjoy it in this series of babes I've been highlighting with music. 


Frankie-Kay wrote on 12/27/2011, 2:37 PM

ich denke, die musik ist sehr schön... kann mich da nicht so drauf konzentrieren, bin etwas von den bildern abgelenkt...  

fine music! nice video! 

liebe grüße,


Beamish-Spartano wrote on 12/28/2011, 2:16 AM

Klasse Bildern und Musik! Herzlichen Gruß Spartano!

Last changed by Beamish-Spartano on 12/28/2011, 2:16 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Hallo Musikfreunde,  jeder hat mal Probleme mit das Abmischen seine Musik der eine weniger als der Andere, ich Biete euch an für ein Kleine Betrag, das Abmischen eure Musik zu Übernehmen, bei Interesse bitte Hier oder in mein Solo Profil Anmelden, Alles andere werde ich euch bei Interesse Informieren, herzlichen Gruß Spartano!  

smartsmurf wrote on 12/28/2011, 3:41 PM

Like Frankie... I want to concentrate a little more on the music... but the pictures won't let me...


P.S.: I got my eyes wide open...

Picnicboy wrote on 1/4/2012, 12:32 PM


Really niceeeee!!!


redisland wrote on 1/5/2012, 4:34 AM

klasse video und musik

lg die redis

DJrox wrote on 1/5/2012, 4:40 AM




Last changed by DJrox on 1/5/2012, 4:40 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Compongo musica ispiratami da semplici intuizioni, spesso corredata dal supporto vocale mio o di mia moglie Daniela, a seconda dei generi musicali, visto che spazio dal techno trance, alla disco, alle colonne sonore, all'easy listening, etc.

Grazie a tutti coloro che vorranno ascoltarmi.


johannesoctron wrote on 1/6/2012, 4:59 AM

Ohne die Tätowierungen hat Sie mir besser gefallen. Schöner Jazz. Für die Ablenkung durch "erotisches" Video gibt es Punktabzug. (da muß ich etwas drüber lachen). Nein im Ernst ich hab mir das mal ohne Megan angehört, nicht schlecht. Hat so was von Film-Hintergrund-Jazz. Sehr verträumt.