
Former user wrote on 4/24/2015, 5:28 AM

very nice bass chosen, the song seems very musically sophisticated and well done as musical structure.


Former user wrote on 4/24/2015, 12:46 PM

Hi! info4u2. Musik auf diese Art ... nur den Bezug hatte ich nicht so ganz verstanden

LG / aces-e37

Former user wrote on 4/24/2015, 2:37 PM

Hi Indigo:

You certainly know how to put these tunes together.  Always a lovely listening experience, my friend.

Enjoy a sensational weekend!


Former user wrote on 4/25/2015, 7:58 PM

Hi Indigo

Another cool little tune.  You know, I have seen this pic before and I went and looked through all of your songs and out of 6 pages, I only noticed this pic twice.  Just sayin'.  I have a hard time coming up with covers and personally don't think much about them.  For me, they are secondary to the music.  

I like the song.  That is all I have to say


Former user wrote on 4/29/2015, 9:12 AM

this is exellent song

