
Former user wrote on 5/9/2015, 1:49 PM

Hi! info4u2. Mir fehlten die Brötchen dazu. Machte mich nun jetzt nicht satt. Pflaumenmus hätte es auch nicht bringen können.

LG / aces-e37

Former user wrote on 5/10/2015, 4:49 AM

hip hop music is not among my favorites, but the song seems nice and pleasant to listen to.
overall I would say fine.


Former user wrote on 5/10/2015, 11:19 AM

this not your music prefer, but le track is good


Former user wrote on 5/10/2015, 11:34 AM

Hi Indigo:

Drums and piano; a great combination, along with some interesting arpeggios.


Piazzini wrote on 5/11/2015, 2:20 PM

Hoi Paul

Not quite hiphop ..... nevertheless interesting music.

The scratch you should use only as a highlight, otherwise it acts permanently disturbing.

en liebe gruess vom


gospelbj1 wrote on 5/11/2015, 5:22 PM

Hi Indigo,

Nice song...loved it.

I do agree with Sandro about the "scratch" in this song.  Sometimes less of something in a song brings out the song more.  I have to remember that myself from time to time when I'm using loops and preset rhythms/beats on my keyboard to create.  However, I like the atmosphere of this song,

Great job Indigo.


Former user wrote on 5/12/2015, 2:42 PM

Hello Indigo

Nice piece but  I must agree with Brenda and Sandro.



TetleyAnderton wrote on 5/13/2015, 8:57 PM

I like the beat you found and went with.