Love me when I'm lost featuring Sick (G-Unit Beat)

Former user wrote on 11/20/2020, 11:11 AM
Tags: MIDI, Radio play, Hip-Hop, R'n'B, Rap, Dance, Other

Created this with my MPK mini on Logic with some Wave pluggins.


Jochen-S wrote on 11/20/2020, 2:17 PM

Hi Splice,
This is a great track, I like it...👍👍👍
All the best,

Former user wrote on 11/20/2020, 5:18 PM

Hi Splice,

very full Sounds...ILIke...



Ingo-Flieger wrote on 11/21/2020, 2:40 AM

Here he is again - the RnB-Master himself:

S P L I C E !! 🙌🙌🙌👍👍👍😄😄😄

Greetings, Ingo.

DJ_Wash-8aer. wrote on 11/22/2020, 6:13 AM

Coool-coooooool !!!

BW !!!!!!!!! WASH 🖖🐼