
Dvoraak wrote on 1/30/2015, 10:41 AM

Great driving music. Or sitting at home vegetating at my desk music. It's versatile! Very good :)


*edit* Had to add that I LOVE that abrupt ending. 


Talan wrote on 1/30/2015, 12:47 PM

nice atmosphere

Former user wrote on 1/30/2015, 1:21 PM

Hi! Jinty. Ich hätte mir kleinere Pausen gewünscht ... hier zog alles durch. Schwamm drüber.

LG / aces-e37

mcbin wrote on 1/30/2015, 7:27 PM

.....great atmosphere, from the beginning, mental cinema is going, could be a soundtrack.


Former user wrote on 1/31/2015, 2:51 AM

nice work but a little bit too long, great atmosphere

gerrycix wrote on 2/1/2015, 9:15 AM

Hello Jinty,

Very good sound track ...!

Great Job ,

Ciao David

Former user wrote on 2/1/2015, 5:24 PM

Hola, Jinty, buen sonido y voces, amo los ritms y la línea de bajo, al igual que su sound..The mejor para usted mi amigo música

Nunca debemos olvidar,

Devemos recordar siempre,ese es el poder y la fuerza,Recordar quienes somos...

Cuidate Jinty Tecraon loco loco loco........

Nickillus wrote on 2/4/2015, 5:33 AM

Super mix, Jinty.  Beat perfect and builds wonderfully.

Former user wrote on 2/5/2015, 12:32 PM

 this is a great track, both instrumental sound.
you've done a great job


Former user wrote on 2/14/2015, 9:18 AM

Re = je n'avais pas vu que tu avais encore une autre musique le 30 01 ...

Toujours de la Trance // Mix = raggae // Orientale !   Toujours en Midi  , VST ??   = Super        5*

Cordial Tony

Leomax wrote on 2/14/2015, 2:27 PM

very nice track

i like it

lg leomax

olivier28 wrote on 3/12/2015, 6:21 PM

Hello Jinty

very good

nice performance


WtraatW wrote on 9/5/2015, 3:21 AM

Bravo Jinty , superbe musique et rythmique !

DJ_Beat wrote on 9/30/2015, 9:06 AM

Good Work Jinty