Live, live, live, live ...

Paulo.Costa wrote on 5/10/2020, 10:04 PM
Tags: Pop, Synthpop, Wave, Other, Chill out, Rock'n'Roll, Punk, Techno



Live, live, live, live ...

Onde foi que eu errei?
não posso mais duvidar

mas se eu não me entreguei,
É porque um sim posso falar

...por quê eu sei demais?
demais até...

Até aonde não tenho
...os pés para alcançar...
...os pés alcançar..., viva, viva, viva...


Siggi-M wrote on 5/11/2020, 3:16 AM

oooh yes,very,very gooood.Pauloooooo,👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Jochen-S wrote on 5/11/2020, 3:52 AM

Olá Paulo meu amigo,
texto bonito e excelente... Eu gostei..👍👍👍👍😊
Saudações Jochen...

Picnicboy wrote on 5/11/2020, 6:07 AM


Nice One.


Like it.

LG, Pic😎

Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 5/11/2020, 7:14 AM

It's a good job - ciao da sandro

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


franco-galateo wrote on 5/11/2020, 7:50 AM

compliment this is a very good idea compositional.. job composiitonal exellent


ChevalierDeSangreal wrote on 5/11/2020, 9:19 AM

Hello APMC,
is not usually my direction, but I make a big exception. It sounds good and it reminds me of a song, but I don't get the title of it. It was probably a couple of decades ago. 😉

many Greetings

Paulo.Costa wrote on 5/11/2020, 9:44 AM

Hello APMC,
is not usually my direction, but I make a big exception. It sounds good and it reminds me of a song, but I don't get the title of it. It was probably a couple of decades ago. 😉

many Greetings

Hello APMC,
is not usually my direction, but I make a big exception. It sounds good and it reminds me of a song, but I don't get the title of it. It was probably a couple of decades ago. 😉

many Greetings


Hello Friend.
Glad you know another song similar to this track. I'm looking forward to hearing what this song is, that you said is similar to this track.
This track is a mix of loops from four different packages of sounds, with more than 2,000 random loops, making it impossible to have any music similar to this track, so I'm looking forward to hearing about this song, which you found similar to this track.
  I'm waiting. Thanks and a Big HUG from Your FRIEND Paulo Costa.


Que bom que você conhece uma outra canção parecida com esta faixa. Estou ansioso para saber que musica é essa,  que você  disse ser parecida com essa faixa. 
Essa faixa é uma mistura de loops de quatro pacotes diferentes de sons, com mais de 2.000 loops aleatórios, ficando impossível haver alguma Musica parecida com essa faixa, por isso estou ansioso para saber dessa musica, que você achou parecida com essa faixa.
 Fico no aguardo. Obrigado e um Grande ABRAÇO de Seu AMIGO Paulo Costa.

Paulo.Costa wrote on 5/11/2020, 9:56 AM

oooh yes,very,very gooood.Pauloooooo,👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


you can bark friend siii geêêêêêêê @Siggi-M
How is it there in your sector ?! I hope wue everything is fine. I made this song in order to review how nature is ours, always giving us chances to start over in a new way, rethinking our ways of living. The world will never be the same after all this.

Paulo.Costa wrote on 5/11/2020, 10:02 AM


Nice One.


Like it.

LG, Pic😎

Oi Amigo @Picnicboy SAUDAÇÕES. Espero esteja tudo bem. Esta faixa é meio esotérica. Compreende nossa relação com o nosso viver no Planeta Terra, a nossa meta e principalmente, nossa relação com a natureza. Achei que você iria reclamar de minha voz.


Essa faixa na verdade é um esboço. A cópia definitiva dessa faixa sairá em breve, para o nosso deleite.

😀😀😂👍🏻👍🏻 🎬

Paulo.Costa wrote on 5/11/2020, 10:47 AM

compliment this is a very good idea compositional.. job composiitonal exellent


Obrigado Amigo @franco-galateo!! Agradeço pela preferência. Música feita por a caso, somente para preencher espaços, mas notando bem, essa faixa esta perfeitamente excelente, pensei que eu tinha errado em criá-la, no inicio eu ía desistindo de criar essa musica, mas depois vi que ela é etérea e lindamente enigmática. 🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵😊👍🏻🍔🎙

Paulo.Costa wrote on 5/11/2020, 10:51 AM

Olá Paulo meu amigo,
texto bonito e excelente... Eu gostei..👍👍👍👍😊
Saudações Jochen...

Obrigado Meu Amigo @Jochen-S Jochen-s!!



Paulo.Costa wrote on 5/11/2020, 10:53 AM

It's a good job - ciao da sandro

Obrigado Meu Amigo @Sandro_Glavina_Channel!! All the Best!! Vamos no Ritmo, não podemos parar. Afinal a Criatividade está à mil por hora!!! 😉👍🏻👊🏻

TrishM wrote on 5/11/2020, 5:52 PM

Very cool song. I like it very much.The sound is amazing


Paulo.Costa wrote on 5/11/2020, 6:06 PM

Hi Trish My Friend @TrishM , thank you, welcome, I want to thank you for your esteemed presence, feel free. Taking the opportunity, I wish you a Happy Mother's Day, baby. God Bless Us Always !!


TrishM wrote on 5/11/2020, 6:49 PM

@Paulo.Costa Hey thanks for the mothers day card/ flowers. It's the only ones i got. 😭

😁 Trish

Paulo.Costa wrote on 5/12/2020, 1:05 PM

@Paulo.Costa Hey thanks for the mothers day card/ flowers. It's the only ones i got. 😭

😁 Trish


then I give you these other cards with love for Mother's Day. See if they're good. I wish you much health, money, success and peace in your HEART Trihms, that this Mother's Day, be wonderful, full of hope for you and your Family.


Pat_02 wrote on 5/29/2020, 2:07 AM

Eu gosto deste também onde há, eu diria som grande, sons muito bons e então eu gosto dessa mistura de música relaxante, mas com bom ritmo e baixo, é bom aqui, lol !
Ótimo trabalho, amigo e divertido de ouvir.
Eu também gosto de cantar ...
Saudações amistosas.

I like this one also where there is I would say big sound, very good sounds and then I like this mixture of music both relaxing but with good big rhythm and bass, it's good here, lol !
Great work, friend and fun to listen to.
I also like singing ...
Friendly greetings.

j'aime celle ci également où il y a je dirais du gros son, de très bonnes sonorités et puis j'aime bien ce mélange de musique à la fois reposante mais avec une bonne grosse rythmique et basse, c'est bon çà, lol !
Du très bon travail, l'ami et sympa à écouter.
j'aime le chant également...
Salutations amicales. 


Paulo.Costa wrote on 6/4/2020, 6:06 PM

Eu gosto deste também onde há, eu diria som grande, sons muito bons e então eu gosto dessa mistura de música relaxante, mas com bom ritmo e baixo, é bom aqui, lol !
Ótimo trabalho, amigo e divertido de ouvir.
Eu também gosto de cantar ...
Saudações amistosas.

I like this one also where there is I would say big sound, very good sounds and then I like this mixture of music both relaxing but with good big rhythm and bass, it's good here, lol !
Great work, friend and fun to listen to.
I also like singing ...
Friendly greetings.

j'aime celle ci également où il y a je dirais du gros son, de très bonnes sonorités et puis j'aime bien ce mélange de musique à la fois reposante mais avec une bonne grosse rythmique et basse, c'est bon çà, lol !
Du très bon travail, l'ami et sympa à écouter.
j'aime le chant également...
Salutations amicales. 


Obrigado @Pat_02  @Pat_02 . Tudo de bom. Esperando que todos estejam bem. Realmente, este som tras sensações muito boas e grande​s ! 😊👍🏻

É uma pena esta MÚSICA ter ganhado apenas 4 "likes" ☹️