
MuggeMaker wrote on 4/12/2014, 4:51 AM


Sehr, sehr schönes Klavierspiel! Sehr gerne gehört!

Wird auch nicht langweilig.



DanielsAnimations2014 wrote on 4/12/2014, 4:54 AM

I love it.

Former user wrote on 4/12/2014, 5:04 AM

Hi Trish:

Yes, Spring is indeed in the air!  (A light and breezy breath of fresh melodic 'air'). 

I just arrived here and was greeted with this delightful composition.  What a way to start my day!  It's lovely and delightful, Trish.  What else is there left to say? 

I adore the piece.

Have yourself a wonderful day.


hanneshaas wrote on 4/12/2014, 5:42 AM

so zu deinem Stück.!!!!!!!!!!

Ich mag deine art wie du die Musik interpretierst, Nur die Gitarre hast du so wie wir Österreicher sagen zu Steirisch oder Volksmusik artig gemacht. Ich würde die Gitarre  viel weicher machen den der Rest ist einfach klasse und deswegen geb ich hier auch gerne 5* +

L. G. Hannes 

Last changed by hanneshaas on 4/12/2014, 5:42 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Wie Ich noch ein Baby war hab ich weder Schreiben noch Lessen können. Jetzt werden viele sagen OOOOOOH der arme, Keine sorge bin jetzt schon 45, und kann schon das C, D, E und F. Also ihr seht ich habe fortschritte gemacht. Jetzt versuch ich halt mit den bar Buchstaben etwas zu schreiben, das geht auch nicht also mach ich lieber Musik.

Former user wrote on 4/12/2014, 1:05 PM

Hi! Zum Frühling, oder zum Erblühen der Blüten darf Dein Klavierspielen nicht fehlen. Sehr schön gespielt.

LG / aces-e37

Former user wrote on 4/12/2014, 1:27 PM

Hallo Trish:

Wundervolle Musik und Toll gemacht.

Kleiner Kritikpunkt:Die Gitarre finde Ich nicht Immer in Takt und mit Klavier gespielte Midis kann man nicht Immer

auf Gitarre übertragen.

Ein Lieben Gruss :Orlando

DEPO57 wrote on 4/12/2014, 3:17 PM

spensierata, felice, come una corsa a piedi nudi sull'erba bagnata.....

Funnywico wrote on 4/12/2014, 3:26 PM

I don`t want to repeat myself, but.... There is nothing I could criticize.... even this guitar... Sure, it`s a little kitschy, but  this isn`t important. It fits to this song. I like it. Uuuuh, now it happened: I repeated myself!


Former user wrote on 4/13/2014, 2:03 PM

Hallo Trish!

Die Melodie find ich absolut schön !!!


Viele liebe Grüße Chris


emacor wrote on 4/13/2014, 4:33 PM

Hi Trish:


YES!!!! Spring as arrived.... what a joy!!!!

All the best to you,


Former user wrote on 4/14/2014, 1:37 AM

Hi Trish!

Your link to this song was wrong but i find it! :-) Yesss, now I feel the spring in my head, in my heart and on my skin! Thank you very much! It is always a very great time to hear your music and sorry, i must repeat - wonderful playing!!!!! Ok, the other people say it - the guitar fits not ever in this great track but it is musical freedom to use this! :-) For me, it is ok! Thank you again for this great feelings! 5*****


Best wishes and a nice week

regards Bernd



gerrycix wrote on 4/14/2014, 12:05 PM

Excellent composition..... Trish !

Very good ...armonie !

Ciao David

stuallan wrote on 4/14/2014, 10:21 PM

Hi Trish,

Spring has Sprung as we say around here! Your song was a very pleasant welcome to the warmer weather. Very light and fresh sounding as spring should be. I actually liked the guitar part, it kind of added a folksy vibe to the tune.

Again,as many others have said, your playing is outstanding. I enjoyed listening and thank you for ushering Spring in with such a wonderful tune!




Leomax wrote on 4/19/2014, 5:24 AM

Hi Trish,

very nice track

i like it