
Former user wrote on 2/13/2014, 1:59 PM

Hi Kapstun5:

This a marvelous tune.  I will never understand why these little musical gems seem to go unnoticed by the many music-lovers here.  I love the guitar, and you play it quite well.  This short and sweet tune certainly deserve more listens...

Nonetheless, a fine piece.


alexisaubin2010 wrote on 2/17/2014, 5:45 PM

thank you for your comment your music is very nice to listen very beautiful piece

Last changed by alexisaubin2010 on 2/17/2014, 5:45 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

slt a toutes et a tous je me presente moi c alexis grand fanatique de musique et de chant vous pourrais trouver sur ma page toute mes compos perso et mes enregistrements studio en esperant que cela vous plairas

 qu il soit positif ou negatifs n'hesitez pas a me laisserr vos commentaire 

il n'y a rien de mieu pour s'ameliorer surtout dans ce millieu

en esperant vous faire passer d'agreable moment musical


je vous souhaite une bonne visite sur ma page


cordialement et musicalement 



Former user wrote on 2/18/2014, 3:57 PM

This is a lovley played and bravley sound finalized guitar track-

Thank U and don't mind, if you will not get so many hits here.

I am back again


Former user wrote on 3/23/2014, 12:40 PM

Sehr schönes Stück, gefällt mir sehr gut.

LG, Heinz

Former user wrote on 10/27/2014, 6:24 PM

Fantastic composition. Played masterfully.