LatinJazz Madness II

Former user wrote on 4/17/2013, 7:53 PM

Here's a little tune with a strong Latin/Jazz theme.  My friends tell me it's quite catchy.  I'll let the listeners of this forum be the judge on that one.  The piece is in the key of A (120 BPM).  Enjoy.


Former user wrote on 4/17/2013, 11:07 PM

oohhh , so fängt der Tag Super an .... Schöne Musik ..

hätte länger gehn können !

Gruß Oktave

Former user wrote on 4/19/2013, 7:08 AM

Thanks for your kind comments Oktave.  Glad you enjoyed. 

Take care.

Former user wrote on 4/19/2013, 12:31 PM

Immer wenn's muss, kommt die Stimmung genau richtig -hier wird auch nichts ausgelassen -, !!


Former user wrote on 4/19/2013, 12:45 PM

Thanks yvette21.

Nickillus wrote on 4/19/2013, 6:51 PM

Another to add to my favourites folder.  Excellent grooving.

Former user wrote on 4/20/2013, 3:03 PM

Hola Amigo...

Bien Echo...

5 *...


Maboe wrote on 4/20/2013, 3:41 PM

Heeey, wonderful quicky jazz - I like this one very much!

The piano player reminds me the "buena vista social club". 

I enjoyed very much. Bravo!


P.S. Original played?

VisionART wrote on 4/20/2013, 5:54 PM

Quick and sharp. Crazy and funktion, latin and humans nature.

Do it louder! Do it stereo with Master Mister Magix...


Former user wrote on 4/20/2013, 6:10 PM

Hola Alemany & Mathia!

Thanks folks.  Always delighted to hear from devoted latin/jazz devotees. 


No, not original, but I'm preparing some original piano tracks and will include them in some future MMM compositions. 

I own a vast collection of latin/jazz themed loops from a variety of loop production companies.   Over the years, many of them were just sitting on one of my hard drives.  I would not be a bit surprised if some of the piano loops/ samples came from the ingenious mind spring of the great Ruben Gonzales.  Boy, was he a wonder!  And don't forget Mathias, he was also a member of  the fabulous, "The Stars of Areito" ensemble way back in the day.  Thanks again folks for taking the time to comment on my favorite music. 

Hasta Luego!  


Leomax wrote on 5/11/2013, 2:36 AM


Sehr,sehr gute Jazzmusic!


ballabarr wrote on 6/1/2013, 6:14 AM

Very nice trumpet, i like the druming to it's spot on well done Griff

Take care

Last changed by ballabarr on 6/1/2013, 6:14 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Im from sweden 55 year's young play 4 instruments,(Drums is my main instr) guitarr,keybords,and some bassand im learning to play faceorgan (Harmonica) I make my musc self.I love icehockey and soocer,bean to cooking school,bean a sailor for 10 years,but not anymore hade my last ship 1993 and i miss that job  (cargoship) see the world and get pay'd for it,that's nice

(Pleace wright in english if u can no requirement just a wishes)

UnityGirl wrote on 6/5/2013, 4:21 PM

Trumpet and piano's got a nice conversation goin on.

hounddoggy56 wrote on 11/16/2013, 10:25 AM

Very nice dude.