
Former user wrote on 1/19/2015, 1:16 AM

Hi Indigo:

This is a song that allows for reflection and contemplation.  The strings and piano are soft and really captures the mood of your title.  My only issue with many of your songs is that they end too abruptly.  Other than that, this is very endearing music.


Former user wrote on 1/19/2015, 8:04 AM

very good atmosphere .

sound is beautiful


Former user wrote on 1/20/2015, 12:43 PM

Hi! info4u2. Für diesen Moment danke ich trotzdem Auch wenn es für mich nicht ganz zutreffend war.

LG / aces-e37

Former user wrote on 1/20/2015, 10:37 PM

Hello Indigo

Really pretty, mellow tune.  The strings and keys have a very nice sound.  I have to agree with Griff that frequently your endings are rather abrupt and this particular song shows more of a fade, which is nice, especially in this genre.

I enjoy your covers.  They're always appropriate for your titles and are very innovative.


Former user wrote on 1/21/2015, 12:46 PM

 this is a great track, both instrumental sound.
you've done a great job
