It's good to be here among so many wonderful Creatives that share their works and entertain each other with your talent and good wishes. I hope y'all enjoy this little experiment called "Bla, Bla, Bla Pinky Ring."
There are 9 tracks and 5 of them are MIDI with the same melody, different instruments that seem to help with my Dept/Presence issues.
It may be Hip Hop, it may be Rap, heck it may even be the "Blondie Tell Ya" of the late 70's? Your guess is as good as mine. Enjoy
Your friend CHRIS![](
I asked an old buddy of mine to put instruments in the characters hands that he was therapeutically drawing. Not bad, huh? He is very good at doing Walt Disney Snow White and the dra... little people, and I just hope he doesn't do Dopey with the keyboards..