just to be close to-(winhyp) edited mohnysh wrote on 4/23/2011, 10:52 AM 20 236 Tags: melodical song Back to post
Comments Former user wrote on 4/23/2011, 11:21 AM Very very nice song with wonderfol melody. Superb. Elias maxcon62 wrote on 4/23/2011, 2:09 PM Wow ... I will never get tired to listen to your song! Five stars Max Former user wrote on 4/23/2011, 5:11 PM Freu' mich zu hören das auch -:Und das alles so -:Hatten genug geschrieben zusammen -:Frohes Osterfest Dir auch! YaraLove datamix wrote on 4/23/2011, 5:27 PM Very nice melody and voice arragment Brillant datamix papajeff wrote on 4/23/2011, 11:14 PM Hello, yes that´s a very melodiacal song, it sounds good! Nice acoustic string to hear and a completely straight production! LG Jeff Beamish-Spartano wrote on 4/24/2011, 12:43 AM Sehr Schöne Musik, 5* Freut mich das du in deine Musik Fortschritte machst! Herzlichen Gruß und Frohe Ostern, Spartano! Former user wrote on 4/24/2011, 9:37 AM Your song You've done is very well. I like it! Nice greetings Tina samp wrote on 4/24/2011, 10:04 AM I tried to find out WHAt you edited... no chance... So I must say.... I still like your song.... very much... and I enjoy listening to it... Therefore...best marks... LG samp Njego wrote on 4/25/2011, 4:48 AM Cool !! SpriteBat wrote on 4/25/2011, 11:23 AM Wow, I love the soothing choir sounds in the background! I wish it was a little louder. Great melodic music! There are many interesting things to hear! MartinJr wrote on 4/25/2011, 4:39 PM Sehr schöner Song. Gefällt mir! Jinty wrote on 4/27/2011, 6:42 AM Super track!!!! Former user wrote on 4/27/2011, 3:54 PM Un modo distinto che fà uno stile musicale. Un brano molto intenso, la voce adatta al tuo stile musicale. Ciao. A separate way that fà a musical style. A very intense passage, the proper voice for your musical style. Hi reshzubain wrote on 4/29/2011, 4:28 AM wonderful song , well done from the starting and the last bgm its out standing luagermie wrote on 4/30/2011, 3:45 PM was für ein schönes Lied Ich mag Ihre Fans werden Ihre tha erstaunliche Musiker Michel-Solo-Band wrote on 5/1/2011, 12:30 PM Yes ,..I like the song,...with the magix-vocals. Good time for pleasure. Tyler redisland wrote on 5/1/2011, 3:57 PM sehr schöner song gruss die redis Rana wrote on 5/13/2011, 1:32 AM Superb track Mohnysh.... I am stunned. Please accept my sincere regrets for the delay, you know where I have been :) 1