It's On Me

gospelbj1 wrote on 2/15/2016, 10:30 AM

Hello Family,

I am extremely excited to see so many collaborations taking place, and I am presenting yet another one.  "It's On Me" is a collaboration of Mondschwester, Duco (Martin), NorbertSN and me.  The music is something that I had in my archives for a LONG, LONG time and decided it had some worth to it.  I sent it to Duco (Martin) to see if he could work his rap magic with it, and not only he do that, he had Mondschwester add some vocals and NorbertNS final mixed it all.  I must admit, after listening to it again, I do hear some things musically that need to be adjusted...especially sync wise on my part.  But, nevertheless, I am uploading this to the forum.  I present "It's On Me."


Michel-Solo-Band wrote on 2/15/2016, 12:32 PM

...nice work my dear

Der rap ist gelungen ,...doch die vocals von Mondschwester könnten etwas mehr breite haben.

Klasse teamwork mit Hang nach oben,  sound & vocals....da geht noch was.



DEPO57 wrote on 2/15/2016, 12:38 PM


Former user wrote on 2/15/2016, 1:36 PM

Excelente....Bravo...La cadencia melodica en la musica es macnifica y la voz me gusta ,es autentica,,,Buen trabajo...Es un tema que conozco,ese estrivillo en la voz femenina que encaja perfectamente con la voz del chico.......Muy linda pieza aqui,bravo...

Jinty wrote on 2/15/2016, 4:38 PM

Hello Brenda,

Great collaboration, well done to you all!!!!

All the best,


Former user wrote on 2/15/2016, 7:31 PM

Hi Brenda & Fellow Collaborators:

Loving every sound byte!  I truly thank y'all for the invite. 

This is why I continue to return here, time after time.  You guys have made my night!


Father_of_Joy wrote on 2/15/2016, 7:39 PM

Oy yeah ... already the first seconds catched me! 

A wonderful music with superb rapping of Martin ... okay, the singing of Mondschwester is perhaps not her best in some parts. Well, so what!

It remains to be a great community project. 5 stars for each of you!

TrishM wrote on 2/16/2016, 3:40 AM

Hi ya'll

Nice collaboration!  You seem to work well together which is no easy feat!

Kudos to you all


Former user wrote on 2/16/2016, 6:28 AM

godd !!!!! collaboration exellent

music great , and wonderfull sound

one Kiss ,our 50!!!!!! Kiss

My prefer artist


Frantzi wrote on 2/16/2016, 7:14 AM

Diese Zusammenarbeit gefällt mir sehr, ansonsten siehe Tyler...

Mondschwester wrote on 2/16/2016, 12:52 PM

Hi Brenda!

Your music fascinated me and I love this track! It's really the music I love to listen to!
Thanks for letting me collaborate with you and Marty! It was quite fun!

And I'm pretty sorry for my bad singing in some parts...The time I sung the vocals was very hard for me cause I had some problems at home...
I swear if there should ever be another collab I will sing perfectly! There won't be a wrong tone!
I promise!!!

I feel very bad about not singing perfectly...I'm so sorry!

But still your music is AWESOME!!! Very nice done!!!

All the best

siggi_s wrote on 2/16/2016, 1:26 PM


tolle Zusammenarbeit ! Weiter so

LG siggi

Maboe wrote on 2/16/2016, 2:00 PM

As you know, I like teamworks and they always deserve our biggest respect. This is a wonderful song and everyone of you has done a super job!

The sound of the music could have a little more brilliance and the great voice of Mondschwester comes too directly in my ears - so give her a little more reverb and that´s it!


gospelbj1 wrote on 2/16/2016, 5:23 PM

"Monds..."  No need to apologize for anything.



Former user wrote on 2/16/2016, 8:53 PM

Hi all!

I say the same like Maboe! Great collaboration, great Job, fantastic music. And Mondschwester´s voice likes a little bit reverb but is your choice! For me that is realy great, great work! And perhaps, you have more in your archives to make more fantastic collaborations! Thank you for sharing and go on my dear Brenda! I do it in my FAV, e basta


Thank you and all the Best


NorbertSN wrote on 2/20/2016, 3:11 PM

Hey Brenda,

Many thanks for putting this track up.

There's a steep learning curve on my side for mixing and I gotta say that whilst there is (luckily) potential for improvement on the mixing, the overall track has become a great one.

You're all great characters. I am proud to be working with you.

Very best regards, Norbert

stuallan wrote on 2/21/2016, 10:32 PM

Hi Brenda,

One heck of a collaboration! Loved it. The minimal music style fits the vocals perfectly. Martin did a super job and Mondschwester's vocals addded a really cool vibe to the song . Loved the back and forth starting at 5:21.

Brenda, this was way smooth!

Great job.




TetleyAnderton wrote on 2/23/2016, 3:51 PM

Do "Guys" did a wonderful job on this.

Nickillus wrote on 2/26/2016, 10:21 AM

Great collaborative effort - sounds like these parts were made to be together, even though you explain how they didn't grow up together.  Guess marriages can work after all - even three way ones !?!?!?!?!.  This one definitely does.  Your mellow sounds, Martin's more punchy vocals, and then Mondschwester adding her own brand of vocals all sit together like they're about to celebrate a significant anniversary.

Just excellent.


gerrycix wrote on 2/28/2016, 6:14 PM

Wow....excellent collaboration !

Fantastic .....!

Great work,

Ciao David

nafets. wrote on 3/2/2016, 5:07 PM

nicht schlecht,schöner rap,Mondschwester gefällt mir auch sehr,nur denke ich,das Mondschwester´s gesang etwas effekt haben hätte können,kommt etwas zu "nackt" daher im mix !

vielleicht mehr stereopan,oder zweikanal ???

ansonsten musik auf höchstem niveau !!!!!!!

sehr,sehr gern gehört !!!!!!!


Former user wrote on 3/16/2016, 1:06 PM

Hi Ihr!

Schöne Zusammenarbeit!!!

Melodie find ich klasse!!!

Stefan hat aber recht,Mondi müßte noch etwas zarter rüberkommen!!!

Aber sehr gut gemacht ansonsten,nigs zu meckern!!!

Viele liebe Grüße Chris

beabea wrote on 4/12/2016, 5:17 PM

...der rap am anfang ist für meinen geschmack eher langweilig und unauthentisch...der harmoniegesang mit mondschwester "lifts it up"...insgesamt ein sehr schönes experiment......trotz einiger gesanglichen "ausreißer"...

MRW2014 wrote on 4/13/2016, 2:38 PM

....der Song gefällt mir sehr gut......instrumentierung klasse gewählt sound auch sehr gut.....Stimme von "mondschwester"leider nicht immer ganz sauber die Töne getroffen .

Die könnte tatsächlich etwas mehr effekt vertragen..!!

trotzdem, alles in allem eine sehr gute zusammenarbeit !


olivier28 wrote on 4/29/2016, 3:05 PM

du trés bon travail j'aime

