Insane Jinty wrote on 12/24/2020, 10:02 PM 12 218 Tags: MIDI, Alternative, Other Here's my latest track, I hope that you enjoy listening to it :) Back to post
Comments melson wrote on 12/25/2020, 3:21 AM Guten Morgen. Mit welchem Synthe hast das gespielt? Mit einem analogen? Ich möchte auch gerne einen haben. Bin mir noch nicht sicher welchen aber ich probiere es mal mit dem Korg Minilogue XT. Den gibt es auch als Modul. Siggi-M wrote on 12/25/2020, 3:24 AM hello Jinty,always nice to listen to you. Well done, always have good ideas ❤️ LG,Siggi... dan-t wrote on 12/25/2020, 4:21 AM Always very rhythmic Jinty, but also with the very harmonic melody which comes to decorate this good concept .... Dan TrishM wrote on 12/25/2020, 5:31 AM Nice energetic mix, Jinty. I hope you have a nice Christmas Jochen-S wrote on 12/25/2020, 7:43 AM Hello Jinty,very nice and interesting synth sounds with great used vocals💐❤️💐... Well done ...All the best, Jochen... PATIENT-X wrote on 12/25/2020, 2:58 PM Its insanely good Jinty, love that thumping kick beat and driving synth line. great atmospheric vox. a great listen. cheers. 😀👍🍷🍷🍷 Inti wrote on 12/25/2020, 4:07 PM Hallo Jinty, well done.Great voice.I like it very much. 💯👋👍👌LG Thomas Former user wrote on 12/26/2020, 3:09 AM Hi Jinty, I´m going insane...with your song, because it is beautiful and cool... I have to say, really good work👍👍👍👍 I wish you a nice second X-mas holiday (feast) and all the best for 2021 Kind regards Bert Spartano wrote on 12/26/2020, 12:24 PM Eine Gute Elektronische Musik, Gruß😎 von Sparta. Former user wrote on 12/26/2020, 2:40 PM hi Very nice Track. Well done LG Andy h-rtl wrote on 12/28/2020, 9:16 AM Hello Jinty,once again you did a good job.The track with music and great voices goes well together.I loved hearing it.Many greetings......Hubert hildegard-beister wrote on 12/30/2020, 12:46 PM Hello Jinty, super Track,i like it !!! I wish you all the best for 2021 👍 🎯 🎲 🌠 🎼 🎆 Hildegard Talan wrote on 12/30/2020, 4:26 PM Hi Jinty, very catch Trance Track. Wish you a nice new year! Peter Paulo.Costa wrote on 1/4/2021, 10:05 PM Very Good Jinty 😘 i loVed Is dancehouseMIDI I LOVE 😎❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 1