Song made only with samples of MMM Soundcollection 14. I hope you like it. Thanks all you for your support. Song producido pensando en Ziggi grande maestro del Rock.
Great rock song jorual. You have some competition Ziggy! The rest of us are reaping the benefits.
Former user
wrote on 11/8/2008, 7:09 PM
Muy buena cancion Jorual definitivamente con un estilo inconfundible. Las vocales te quedaron muy bien con la melodia me gusto ademas el tratamiento de las guitarras.
Former user
wrote on 11/9/2008, 4:46 PM
bravo por ti
una musica estupenda , me gusta mucho , tiene un ritmo pegadizo
Former user
wrote on 11/10/2008, 3:27 AM
The "samples" are used. The work is excellent. Good Beat ....