
Former user wrote on 3/11/2015, 8:02 AM

I have to apologize but this track I was not impressed. while remaining music you listen willingly, it seems to me that lacks a transition both rhythmic melodic.
mind you I do not want to criticize anything, I'm just giving my humble opinion.
no offense

Former user wrote on 3/11/2015, 10:26 PM

Hi Indigo

Not my most favorite of yours at the beginning but of course, when you add piano, what can I say? As soon as that piano came onboard, I liked it!  Your music has a funkiness that is quite unlike anyone else's on here.  If I were to hear this tune without knowing who composed it, I would guess it was you. But I guess everyone has their own idiosyncrasies or characteristics in their music.

Have a good rest of the week


Nickillus wrote on 3/12/2015, 9:53 AM

Love the quirkiness.  Really nicely put together, with a lilting beat that gently holds your hand and leads you though this lovely track.

Former user wrote on 3/12/2015, 2:11 PM

Hi! info4u2. Wenn's weiter nichts war. Dieser kleine Hamster hat seine Anerkennung verdient.

LG / aces-e37

stuallan wrote on 3/16/2015, 11:47 AM

Hi Indigo,

I liked the funkiness of this song. The drum track you chose is a nice contrast to the choppy keyboard lines.

Great job!




Former user wrote on 3/18/2015, 12:42 PM

brano molto simpatico e originale.

ascolto piacevole


Former user wrote on 3/23/2015, 11:03 AM

Hi Indigo:

Another very delightful offering.  Yours are always keen and quite mellow to my 'cauliflowered' ears. <lol>

Love your cover, by the way...
