I'm Comin' Home

TrishM wrote on 1/10/2016, 6:00 PM

I wrote this song this morning (at 4:00 am)  and I thought the title fit the movement of the song. So I found a picture I had taken last summer of the view across the road from where I live.  I live in the country where the closest neighbor is a mile away and there is lots of room for my 3 dogs to run and bark and nobody cares if they are noisy. 
The song expresses how I think I might feel if I were to be gone for awhile and was finally ".Comin' Home"


Ich schrieb dieses Lied an diesem Morgen (um 4:00 Uhr) und ich dachte, der Titel passt die Bewegung des Songs. So fand ich ein Bild, das ich im letzten Sommer der Ansicht über die Straße von wo ich wohne genommen hatte. Ich lebe in dem Land, wo der nächste Nachbar ist eine Meile entfernt, und es gibt viel Platz für meine 3 Hunde laufen und Rinde und niemand kümmert sich, wenn sie laut sind.
Der Song drückt aus, wie ich glaube, ich könnte das Gefühl, wenn ich für eine Weile weg sein und wurde schließlich ".Comin" Home "

Ho scritto questa canzone questa mattina (alle 04:00) e ho pensato che il titolo in forma il movimento della canzone. Così ho trovato una foto che avevo preso la scorsa estate della vista attraverso la strada da dove vivo. Io vivo nel paese in cui il vicino più prossimo è un miglio di distanza e c'è un sacco di spazio per i miei 3 cani a correre e corteccia e nessuno si preoccupa se sono rumorosi.
La canzone esprime come penso che potrei sento se dovessi essere andato per un po 'e stato finalmente "Casa .Comin'"

Thanks for listening.



HellRaiser wrote on 1/10/2016, 11:12 PM

This is a beautiful melody and you played it with so much feeling *****

Father_of_Joy wrote on 1/11/2016, 12:07 AM

Coming home is always a good feeling and you've expressed it wonderfully with this delightful music! 

Also your picture is very nice.

Former user wrote on 1/11/2016, 3:38 AM


Former user wrote on 1/11/2016, 4:20 AM

für mich ein ausgezeichnet !



Soundschill wrote on 1/11/2016, 4:35 AM

Gefällt mir sehr gut. Eine passende Gesangsstimme würde dem noch eines draufsetzen.


Former user wrote on 1/11/2016, 4:54 AM

Trish this is that I love most, fingers touching the piano keys and manage to create melodies that touch the heart know.
the music I live it, I feel I must give sensations, well you did you do with this track.
I is hard to let me go to great compliments, but in this case, my opinion and that you send a universe of stars, which are able to enlighten you and your music

SpriteBat wrote on 1/11/2016, 6:12 AM

I love your prolificness these days! And this was beautiful from the first to last notes. It really does fit with the title. And now for some Flower Kings lyrics because I can't think of much else to say.

It's like coming home - coming home again
It's like coming home - coming home again
The further we go - the closer we come
There's one chance for everyone
One love - one heart - one chance
The higher we climb - the more we see
Lands and visions above the treetops
One world - one heart - one chance
It's like coming home - coming home again
It's like coming home - coming home again

Nickillus wrote on 1/11/2016, 7:30 AM

An inevitably lovely offering of insomniacal improvisation, from t'riffic Trish the tireless.  Your restless fingers and creative mind make wonderful bedfellows, or in this case out of bed fellows.  Elegantly written and performed, as has come to be a trademark of yours, young lady.  Nice to see a view from where you live as well.  I don't think I'll use the view we have across an abandoned trading estate car park as a cover for one of mine just yet . . . although it might suit the discordant efforts I come up with, now I come to think of it. . . . Hmmmmm?

Thanks for sharing.

Former user wrote on 1/11/2016, 8:30 AM

Hello Trish:

I came across your song purely by chance.  Wonderfully executed (as always).

For me, a perfect song (at this early hour) to get my day started.  Thank goodness I don't have to travel to work today.  Now, I can play "catchup" listening to some of the other songs I missed.


stuallan wrote on 1/11/2016, 11:41 AM

Hi Trish,

I though it was a blur of light but realized it was this song zipping into my fav's after only a few notes. You did an amazing job with this, the emotion your fingers tease out of the keys is absolutely wonderful. I know that "coming home" feeling very well and your interpretation is beyond words!

A truly beautiful song Trish, made for that picture!


Best Regards,


diegoweb13 wrote on 1/11/2016, 11:52 AM

Beautiful song and execution.
Brava Trish.
Very nice also the photo of the country where you live


Hello Diego

Last changed by diegoweb13 on 1/11/2016, 11:52 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

                                     Se la risposta e' stata utile, cliccare su Grazie qui sotto.

olivier28 wrote on 1/11/2016, 2:53 PM


j'aime beaucoup

mes compliments et merci



DEPO57 wrote on 1/11/2016, 3:12 PM

La tua composizione va la d là del semplice lavoro musicale .... voglio dire che il cuore, la magia di questa tua meravigliosa composizioone è, secondo me, l'emozione e il sentimento che scaturiscono dalla prima fino all'ultima nota.. Gli arrangiamenti e le armonie sono belle e guardando la foto che hai usato come cover sembra quasi di assaporare gli odori di una campagna al tramonto e di vivere quelle luci e quei colori.... mi hai portato indietro nel tempo, quando ho vissuto nella fattoria dei miei zii, che ricordi meravigliosi....

grazie Trish.


GBTraveller wrote on 1/12/2016, 6:09 AM

Hi Trish,
very beautiful and self-explanatory Melody.
Musically the track conveyed a very fine sense of happiness.
Your home with this open land is already bene ident value.

Greeting Freddy

Ps: Did you get my note?

Piazzini wrote on 1/12/2016, 2:52 PM

Hoi Trish

Normally, I sleep in the morning at 04:00 and do not compose such great songs.

Your piano playing is great and delighted me again and again.

en liebe gruess vom


smartsmurf wrote on 1/13/2016, 4:02 PM

So this is what comes into your mind in the early morning hours... WOW !!! 

This is ussually the time when I try to catch some more hours of sleep... but realize that I have to get up very soon...


Beautiful track... full of emotion.

MuggeMaker wrote on 1/15/2016, 8:59 AM


Former user wrote on 1/16/2016, 5:21 AM

Hi Trish,
your musical talent never sleeps, behind your every song there are feelings, sometimes deep, sometimes simple, but it 's great the way you express it in music, and make them live in your listeners.


Former user wrote on 1/16/2016, 7:29 AM

StevieKey says to FunKey -->


this soulful, and peaceful song, i can hover and forget the rest of the world ... thanks for this feeling...


(tears of luck)


Former user wrote on 1/16/2016, 3:09 PM

Very great mix and compose!!!


Frantzi wrote on 1/16/2016, 4:06 PM

Ich liebe es Deine Gadanken in Tönen ausgedrückt folgen zu können...
hier kann ich Dir folgen bis an das musikalische und schöne Ende...
nicht ganz so spät/früh...

Roxall wrote on 1/18/2016, 5:39 AM

This is a lovely and soulful piece of music. Some beautiful piano playing that does capture the feeling of "coming home".


TetleyAnderton wrote on 1/18/2016, 6:23 PM

Lovely and touching song Trish.  I like it a lot.

Maboe wrote on 1/20/2016, 1:35 PM

It´s a wonderful piece and really excellent played. I enjoyed listening!
