Hello Dear Creatives of the Magix Community,
In the link above is a you tube video that Sarah Cleary posted in my feed and I would like share t the talent of this remarkable woman with you. Demi Lovato's song but Sarah does it better, big time. When I commented in part "You went deep on this one, Miss Sarah". She replied " Thank you so much, I was going for deep" Enjoy her version, but hang on.
Seeing one follower, unfollow me, I counted and did not see Sarah on my list. I 'panicked' and chatted her why did she unfollow me. Inside of a few hours she returned with a screenshot of me on her computer and said I must have made a mistake because she is still following me. Of course I apologized and blamed it on a senior moment I rechecked, and she was there.
She gave me a like on my "Listen" and "Freedom from Hate" and a comment on " A Valentine for Kathleen." in part she said " .......Kathy was lucky to have me".... I commented back that I was the lucky one. I find her humility astounding.
The cover photo is of a glider being towed to height and a thermal, Over our Home.
I give you Miss Sarah Cleary. Peace to you all, CHRIS