First thing....The cover is awesome and reminds me of my Border Collie because he jumps up on me like that and hugs me. (He isn't THAT big!)
You put everything together so nicely in this song. Very nice selection of instruments and organize the song very well by going back to the original motive at 2:40. It kind of ties everything together.
Yes, I really like this one, Indigo. You seem to improve with each song
Former user
wrote on 4/27/2015, 7:22 AM
Hi Indigo:
I remember the poignant events (a few Years ago) leading up to the scene depicted in the cover. It was among the most heart-warming stories between a human and an animal that I have ever witnessed.
Now, on to this song. What can I say other than the fact that this is a melodious and mood-softening piece of music. Exactly the way I like to begin my day...
Former user
wrote on 4/28/2015, 12:49 PM
overall I would say that your track is of good quality
the first part with the basic rhythm of the bass is beautiful, then the intervention of the xylophone, makes Lamus more gentle and relaxing
I would say good
Former user
wrote on 4/30/2015, 1:08 PM
Hi! info4u2. Thematisch ganz gut. Das Irreführende ist, dass die Wildtiere nicht immer all zu friedlich bleiben werden. Das spielt sich nicht im Kopf ab. Der Instinkt erwacht - ist immer überlebenswichtig. Ohne dem wären sie den Gefahren der Wildnis schutzlos ausgeliefert. Soweit von mir.