Humanity's Compass

Mark_Kostora wrote on 11/27/2024, 2:57 AM
Tags: Video editing, Other, People, Music videos, Nature
Width: 720
Height: 480
Duration: 06:41
Format: mp4

I have created this video with another past instrumental song that I created several years ago. Once again I can add the imagery that best represents what I would intend to visualize in creating and performing 'Humanity's Compass'.

I have remastered this track for the Magix community and hope that it will make a good contribution to all of the excellent works shared here ;)

Humanity's Compass (p) Mark Kostora 2019

Remastered for Magix 2024

I am grateful for the wonderful video imagery that has been made available to me for this video.

I played much of this piece to get familiar with my new FM based synth to learn those "tone generator", "operator", "algorithmic" based sounds that baffled people the past on how to use these synths. But they sure sounded good. I was looking for a way to end my "Drone Theater" album with this last track ... there was a lot on my mind about "it all, the hopes and destiny of humanity" and it was the perfect combination of sounds and effects mixed with another vintage synth to express my mood and feelings as "Humanity's Compass". May this album finish lead to a new and mindful beginning!

Mark Kostora ;)



franco-galateo wrote on 11/27/2024, 8:30 AM

great message ..ambient sound very very interesting.. applause


Jinty wrote on 11/27/2024, 2:36 PM

Hello Mark,

As always your music and video are wonderful, with a message about humanity and their destiny,Lets hope we choose the right direction.......I've enjoyed the listen!!!!!!!!!

All the best,


Philip-J wrote on 11/27/2024, 4:55 PM

A captivating and introspective piece that takes the listener on a journey through the intricate layers of synthetic soundscapes. The choir-like synths and soothing tones are perfect for relaxation and reflection and I take it that the choir tones are chosen to represent humanity.

As the piece progresses, it weaves in various synthetic textures, each adding depth and complexity to the overall sound. I believe I spotted string like tones coming in at various places.

The accompanying artwork, featuring people and compasses, is beautifully mirrored in the music, guiding the listener through the sonic landscape. The track's structure hints at a cyclical journey, with an ending that gracefully echoes the beginning, suggesting the possibility of humanity choosing a new direction after having thoroughly tried the old one.

A finely crafted piece of music that invites the listener to pause, reflect, and perhaps even ponder the path ahead!


badwashbear wrote on 11/28/2024, 11:16 AM

Hello Mark

that's a wonderful sound journey. really well mastered and tuned.

And it makes you think. Great work my friendπŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ

Mark_Kostora wrote on 11/28/2024, 11:26 AM

great message ..ambient sound very very interesting.. applause


Thank you Franco! I had created and recorded many of my own effects, it was quite a project then. And it is great bringing the song back to life with imagery!

Mark ;)


Mark_Kostora wrote on 11/28/2024, 11:37 AM

Hello Mark,

As always your music and video are wonderful, with a message about humanity and their destiny,Lets hope we choose the right direction.......I've enjoyed the listen!!!!!!!!!

All the best,


Thank you so much Jinty!

Of course you appreciate the heart and meanings of songs and it is always such an honor for you to enjoy and be influenced by my thoughts and creations. And certainly I enjoy your remarkable ideas and creations! I believe that humanity will survive and learn as we have always done!!!

Mark ;)


Mark_Kostora wrote on 11/28/2024, 11:54 AM

A captivating and introspective piece that takes the listener on a journey through the intricate layers of synthetic soundscapes. The choir-like synths and soothing tones are perfect for relaxation and reflection and I take it that the choir tones are chosen to represent humanity.

As the piece progresses, it weaves in various synthetic textures, each adding depth and complexity to the overall sound. I believe I spotted string like tones coming in at various places.

The accompanying artwork, featuring people and compasses, is beautifully mirrored in the music, guiding the listener through the sonic landscape. The track's structure hints at a cyclical journey, with an ending that gracefully echoes the beginning, suggesting the possibility of humanity choosing a new direction after having thoroughly tried the old one.

A finely crafted piece of music that invites the listener to pause, reflect, and perhaps even ponder the path ahead!


Hello Philip!

I really appreciate the effort you have made in understanding the techniques that I have used in creating this song. And you definitely have that musicians ear for the fine detail of the creation and performance! I had used a perfect model of the Yamaha DX7 synthesizer as the lead synth. Thanks to the work of Dr. John Chowning using FM synthesis we can create the sounds of anything imagined and even acoustical instruments accurately. With the infinite possibilities in sound that I have before me I did dare to chart the map of human destiny ;)

Always enjoy your visit Philip!

Mark ;)



Mark_Kostora wrote on 11/28/2024, 12:01 PM

Hello Mark

that's a wonderful sound journey. really well mastered and tuned.

And it makes you think. Great work my friendπŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ

Hey thanks David,

Thanks for your many visits to my sounds and ideas. And I always appreciate your masterful works!!!

Mark ;)


PATIENT-X wrote on 11/28/2024, 2:09 PM

Hi Mark, yes the compass has been used for many centuries with discoverers, sea fairing captains and mountaineers, even those who walk across the snowy wilderness to the pole, discovering new lands and territories, mans bond with mother nature, undiscovered horizons and now perhaps our journey through space to other galaxies in the future, a wonderful ambient piece offering imaginary thoughts and challenging goals ahead in life, cheers πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸΊπŸΊπŸΊ

Pc self build by me.

Azza Pyramid 804 case

Intel Core i5-13600K Processor 3.5GHz

Kingston FURY Beast 32GB (16GB x 2) 4800MHz DDR5

Geforce RTX2080 Founders edition

Firecuda 530 1tb SSD Nvme


Corsair RM1000x 80 PLUS Gold Fully Modular ATX 1000 Watt Power Supply

5in LCD Screen

Lian Li UNI SL120 V2Β triple fans

MSI Meg Unify Z690 motherboard



Vio-Project wrote on 11/29/2024, 10:46 AM

Wow, a first-class sound spectacle! A magnificent atmosphere! It's a fantastic listening experience with headphones! The video entices the viewer to think, dream and relax. A very brilliant piece of work, both in terms of sound and image! πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸŽ¬πŸŽ¬πŸŽ¬πŸŽ¬πŸŽ¬

Stay healthy, see you soon and greetings from Sylvio 😎

Mark_Kostora wrote on 11/29/2024, 12:26 PM

Hi Mark, yes the compass has been used for many centuries with discoverers, sea fairing captains and mountaineers, even those who walk across the snowy wilderness to the pole, discovering new lands and territories, mans bond with mother nature, undiscovered horizons and now perhaps our journey through space to other galaxies in the future, a wonderful ambient piece offering imaginary thoughts and challenging goals ahead in life, cheers πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸΊπŸΊπŸΊ

Thank you much Stephen,

I had much to do with navigation in my life's career and the technical and scientific tools of navigation. For the paths that humanity follows there is the compass of the heart. We can learn to be good navigators in cultural relationships when learning to master the compass of the heart. And the world depends on having good navigators in both realms of finding our way. Always great to hear your good comments!!!

Mark ;)


Mark_Kostora wrote on 11/29/2024, 12:43 PM

Wow, a first-class sound spectacle! A magnificent atmosphere! It's a fantastic listening experience with headphones! The video entices the viewer to think, dream and relax. A very brilliant piece of work, both in terms of sound and image! πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸŽ¬πŸŽ¬πŸŽ¬πŸŽ¬πŸŽ¬

Stay healthy, see you soon and greetings from Sylvio 😎

Thanks Sylvio,

Yes use headphones here. Much of a sense of time and space is built into the sound of 'Humanity's compass'.

I always enjoy your encouraging comments and your own sounds!

Mark ;)

SEA-K wrote on 11/30/2024, 8:20 PM

Volumes can be written about this work of yours. Mind boggling, and food for the soul. As an old soldier such as yourself we have seen more than most and this deep piece you gave us reflects your empathy with the uncertainty of our young ones. Woe is us if we are not careful. You have created something quite profound, well-done Mark

Your veteran friend,



Mark_Kostora wrote on 12/1/2024, 3:18 PM

Wow, a first-class sound spectacle! A magnificent atmosphere! It's a fantastic listening experience with headphones! The video entices the viewer to think, dream and relax. A very brilliant piece of work, both in terms of sound and image! πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸŽ¬πŸŽ¬πŸŽ¬πŸŽ¬πŸŽ¬

Stay healthy, see you soon and greetings from Sylvio 😎

Thanks Sylvio,

Yes use headphones here. Much of a sense of time and space is built into the sound of 'Humanity's compass'.

I always enjoy your encouraging comments and your own sounds!

Mark ;)

Volumes can be written about this work of yours. Mind boggling, and food for the soul. As an old soldier such as yourself we have seen more than most and this deep piece you gave us reflects your empathy with the uncertainty of our young ones. Woe is us if we are not careful. You have created something quite profound, well-done Mark

Your veteran friend,d


Hello Chris,

A big thank you for your comment! Actually I have been very luck in my life experience. I knew my grandfather and father very well. My father was in the Army air force then crossing the Pacific areas daily in his C-47. He even had a sexy image of my mother painted on the side of the aircraft ... lol. OK as a young boy I got many stories from him and in an age that could even rival ours in ... well remember all of those 40s noir movies. We watch war movies and eat our popcorn and enjoy it. But what if the 'set' was real. Of course the veterans have lived up to their oaths. Even Dante expressed that all good soldiers go to heaven. But most veterans agree that they truly appreciate peace and our families and the best efforts should have that objective.

Mark ;)
