Human Dharma, Love

mfaucher wrote on 3/25/2012, 12:13 PM
Width: 640
Height: 480
Duration: 04:15
Format: quicktime

Initially, this was not supposed to be a video but a musical piece, I felt that the musical piece had potential for some sort of added medium. Since I don't sing, I have decided ti include pictures as you'll see.

Given the fact that picture do not have language barrier, everyone will be able to make up their "human" story.

But on the other hand the soundtrack is horrible (mono) probably because it's been compressed too much.
So you may see and listen in stereo on the following link:


Former user wrote on 3/25/2012, 1:03 PM

Bravo !!!!!!!!! pour cette belle performance autant en musique quand vidéo


le son est parfait ici sauf quelque petit endroit mais pour ce qui est du reste, vous avez fait du bon travail




NWOrDREGS wrote on 3/25/2012, 2:53 PM

EXCELLENT! Good job!

Last changed by NWOrDREGS on 3/25/2012, 2:53 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Al Bundy is my Avatar. Holding a sign. Shoot me $12.00! Wholesome family sitcom. lol...Sometimes my video software can drive me to an Al Bundy moment! : )

Former user wrote on 3/25/2012, 3:29 PM

il brano mi piace molto, leggero e molto bello da ascoltare , un viaggio nel suono e nel cosmo, molto bello

Ottimo lavoro Franco

BERNARDPH wrote on 3/26/2012, 1:50 PM

Bonsoir Marcel,

Tu as su rendre un hommage magnifique au miracle de la vie et de manière générale aux "hommes" avec les bons côtés et aussi ce que nous faisons pour "salir " ce que nous avons de plus beau, mais toujours avec cet espoir que nous donnent les générations futures.

C'est une superbe vidéo qui est mise en valeur par ta très jolie musique.

Bravo 5*** et plus et un FAV 




gerardrebout wrote on 3/26/2012, 3:23 PM

 trés belle video et musique                 5*

                      cordial                   gérard

MW73 wrote on 3/27/2012, 2:56 PM

Wann lernt es Magix, das der Sound der Videos NUR MONO ist ?

Ich maches so, ich stelle die Musik ein und das Video bei Youtube dann im Beschreibungstext

sieht man das Videofenster.


So nun zum Video, echt schöne Fotos, 5*


When he learns Magix, this is the sound of the videos ONLY MONO?

I maches so I set the music and the video on Youtube then the description text

you can see the video window.


So now the video, really nice photos, 5 *

maxcon62 wrote on 4/1/2012, 10:25 AM

Wonderful !!!



Huck wrote on 4/5/2012, 12:53 PM


Klasse Musik!!!!

Klasse Video!!!!

Gruß Huck!

Former user wrote on 8/15/2012, 6:22 PM

schönes Video und die Musik gefällt mir und macht hier eine schöne Videountermalung !

ist schon krass....habe so einige Doku´s gesehen über diese Zustände mit dem Plastikmüll.... 


LG stefan