Hey mr dj drop that bass for me.

michael-t33 wrote on 2/26/2015, 5:44 AM
Title: Hey mr Dj drop that bass for me
Artists: Mike T
Album: Zodiac

Hello everyone, This is another favorite music genre of mine reggae, I have seen UB40 and Bob Marleys

walers in concert and this track is influenced by them.

I have titled this track, Hey Mr DJ drop that bass for me.

I used a demo copy of Magix Music Maker Dance Edition, and various third party sample demos, downloaded

from the Internet.

I hope you like the tune.




Gryami wrote on 2/26/2015, 5:55 AM

Hello Michael,

Not my favourite genre, but you have done well with this.  Everything seems to be balanced quite well, which I believe is important.  Nice work.


Nickillus wrote on 2/27/2015, 3:40 AM

Reggae isn't my favourite genre either, Michael (yes I know - what's wrong with me?), but you've done such an excellent job on this it would be plain churlish not to award the well deserved 5 stars at least.  Great work.

Former user wrote on 2/27/2015, 12:48 PM

Hi! michael-t33. Wenn ich die Richtigen damit vergleiche, können die es besser rüberbringen. Wie auch immer.

LG / aces-e37