
M.B.M. wrote on 1/25/2013, 4:16 PM

Hi Jinty,

On my speakers the drums might be a little bit more powerful.Sounds not soo good. Anything else is very cool. Very nice bass.  You still got it. Partymusic. Yeah. I like it.


Farstom wrote on 1/25/2013, 5:09 PM

:) :) :)

Last changed by Farstom on 1/25/2013, 5:09 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something



saraivadj73 wrote on 1/25/2013, 5:16 PM


tgfmusica wrote on 1/25/2013, 6:02 PM

Trovo la tua composizione molto piacevole, e ben costruita, complimenti, tgfmusica, Gianfranco.un saluto, 5*

Former user wrote on 1/25/2013, 6:38 PM

Hi Jinty 

Very good work disco & dance music 

Very nice music Hey Girl ♫♪

I like it  5***** 

Picnicboy wrote on 1/25/2013, 7:03 PM


Very nice Sound! The Bass is great!

Th BD could have some more Power!

Maybe you use two together. This one and a deeper one for the Power! And a bit louder would be good, too!

The Voice is not in the same Speed like the Music! That´s not so good.

Hohoooo...only grumbling here... sorry for that.

I don´t know you... a bit politer maybe...

But that´s all I have to grumble!

The Song is really nice and the Sound is WOOOW!!!

This little Mistakes away and it´s a Hit!


ArtistW wrote on 1/26/2013, 7:26 AM

Nice cover, good sound and music.

Former user wrote on 1/26/2013, 1:23 PM

Musik der besonderen Liga. Man kann aber nicht von einer gewöhnlichen Lyrics sprechen. Schwer also war es für den Sänger nicht zu singen -, !!


TheDJGrandfatherKoeddi wrote on 1/29/2013, 6:03 PM

Cover ->Top

Musik-> Supper Bret ->ich habe gedance




„Ich sage nur las die Musik in den Adern erklingen"
„Die Musik ist unser Blut"
„Bevor die Zukunft kommt ist die Vergangenheit vorbei“
„Ein Tag ohne mich ist zwar möglich, aber wer will das schon!“

„wer weiß was Ruhe ist wird immer die Gegenwart innehaben”

Last changed by TheDJGrandfatherKoeddi on 1/29/2013, 6:03 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

ich bin baujahr 1963 und Vater von 2Kindern und Musikverrückt

Mann nennt mich auch der Dieter Bohlen ohne Kohlen

Achtung !
Meine Songs entsprechen nicht den üblichen Hörgewohnheiten, sondern spiegeln nur meine persönliche Auffassung von Musik wieder.
Die Leute, die meinem speziellen Humor - den ich die Musik einfließen lasse - nicht folgen können, gibt es auf dieser Plattform ausreichend Mainstream zu hören.
Falls Dir oder Ihnen meine Musik gefällt, stell deine oder Ihre Anlage bitte auf Zimmerlautstärke - dein oder ihr Nachbar könnte anderer Meinung sein.

Viel Spaß beim Zuhören, Mut und gute Kopfhörer wünscht,

Euer Köddi


Zum kostenlosen Daunload des Albung bitte hier klicken


"Ich sage immer die Musik ist das Blut der Weld"

"Ich sage immer las die Musik in den Adern erklingen"

Hardware: Arturia Analog Lab, Fame Mix-802 FX USB,  RH Sound Wirelese Mic. Receiver, I Mac, Windows 10 Server, Fame Keyboard, Fender Stratocaster, E-bass, Halbakustisch Gitare,

Software: Apleton, Sampledude ProX, MMX Productionssuite, Analoglab, ElectraX, Gladiator, Astraldreamer, Diva, Groove Generator, Tr808, Absynth,

Videobearbeitung -Video Deluxe 2016 Plus, Elemens, I Movie

Und risiges Sampler-Tool vorhanden

Former user wrote on 3/1/2013, 4:12 PM

Hello Jinty ,

BEAUTIFUL MUSIC              5*         FAV

Andreus II

Former user wrote on 6/25/2014, 9:29 AM

Jinty,tu eres la reina del dance electronico aqui,buen trabajo este tambien suena muy bien,un gran saludo querida amiga de la musica.

WtraatW wrote on 1/14/2016, 11:06 AM

Fantastic Dance Jinty 

I like it

Best regards André

Former user wrote on 1/14/2016, 12:11 PM

Happy New Year Jinty!

Well, alright!  Now, this is an excellent example of how you put together "Electronic" music.  The arpeggios are kickin' and pumpin'.  As you probably know, I'm not a big fan of this genre, but as you also probably know, I listen to any type of music.  If I like what I'm hearing, I'll comment.  If not, I say absolutely nothing.

Impressive arrangement, indeed!



Father_of_Joy wrote on 1/14/2016, 10:00 PM

André has sent me this link. And I must say this is simply great.

Unfortunately, I've missed this song at that time.

Merci André! 

AtomicFusion wrote on 1/15/2016, 2:42 AM

Hello Jinty,

very nice Dance-music !

I like it......




Jokerface wrote on 1/15/2016, 12:10 PM

Hi Jinty,

ist ein schöner Dancer mit passendem Gesang. Viel Abwechslung und ein sehr guter Sound.

Beste Grüße,


OldMansProject wrote on 1/15/2016, 4:18 PM

Hey Jinty!

Geiler "Dancer". *****

Hamburg was calling.

Hollyman 1957 

gerrycix wrote on 1/15/2016, 7:06 PM

Hello Jinty ,

Great sound ...very cool track !

Excellent mix ...!

Ciao David

stuallan wrote on 1/20/2016, 11:35 AM

Hi Jinty,

Andre sent me this link, very glad he did. Excellent dance groove. Love the bass line that drives this song.

Great cpmposition. I dare anyone to sit still  while listening to this.


Great job!

Best Regards,


gospelbj1 wrote on 1/21/2016, 9:26 PM


I was sent this link as well to listen to.  I apologize for the delay in listening to this.  I've been away from the community for a little bit.

Love it.  Nice, easy groove that is easy to fall into.  You've done an outstanding job of choosing the synth and ryhthm sounds and mixing it.

Awesome job Jinty.


olivier28 wrote on 2/6/2016, 12:13 PM


Une trés bonne composition , j'adore

dans mes Favoris    et 5 *****

