
Former user wrote on 7/28/2013, 11:25 AM

Hello info4u2,
good music, but I feel the sound is not quite right and the end comes too quickly.

info4u2 wrote on 7/28/2013, 1:28 PM

Hello Yang

Thank you for listerning to my 1st track, your is appreciated.

The ending is abrupt, I agree, I will sort that out soon.

Former user wrote on 7/29/2013, 1:15 PM

Ich könnte aber auch keinen Moment dankbar sein –sowas habe ich zum aller ersten Mal gehört –verstehe daher auch nicht ganz –, !!


Piazzini wrote on 9/7/2013, 2:30 PM

Hi Indigo

For your first song, it's not bad. I find the bass is not optimaly.

En gruess vom
