Thanks for the invite. Metal is not my favourite genre, but you have put together a track that sounds very professional. A good combo of drums and guitar.
I see nothing wrong with this track! You are too hared on yourself. It features drums, which I know are your specialty and you are very, very good at it. The guitar is GREAT. Infact, I like the entire song
It sounds to me like you were inspired, maybe without knowing it. I think this is one of your best, Ballabar, It is going to be playing in my head all day!!!!!
As far as inspiration goes....If you find out where to get it, get me an X-Large bag of it please
If you do find some insperation, we are all in trouble, you will blow our ears off! Loved this metal monster. You have done a great job putting this together. Rocks, Rocks, Rocks!
Très bien pour la performance, mais un peu trop hard pour moi,
il y aune partie que j'aime bien à partir de : 2 minutes 38 secondes, par contre l'enchainement après à 3 minutes 08 je trouve justement qu'il ne s'enchaine pas du tout avec les riff de guitare précédent.
mais quand même pour cette musique endiablée je te mets bien sûr 5 étoiles,
j'aurais préféré plus de batterie sachant que tu es un super batteur,