Groove song

Roxall wrote on 7/28/2015, 4:07 AM
Title: Groove song
Artists: Breed 20
Album: Breed 2.0

Track 7 of my home made album. Written 15yrs ago by myself and my old Breed bandmates that I have remade and updated with Magix music maker 2014. This is an electro rock song with an explosive metal ending.

The songs title was a working one that stuck because we liked the "groove" of the song.

Thematically its from the point of view of a persons obsession with a woman and his desire to own her.

There were no soundpools used in this song. Every instrument and note was painstakingly inputted by the midi functions. The only external instrument are my vocals.

Enjoy, Rock out!!!

"Don't hold me too long if you want to let go, cause I won't."



Gryami wrote on 7/28/2015, 12:53 PM

Hello nogman7,

Metal is not my favourite genre.  A very powerful piece.  I feel that the track is evenly balanced, which I think is important.  Although the vocals are a little overmodulated, but I guess that's the nature of the genre.

To those that like this genre should enjoy this track.  I shall lookout for more of your music.



Piazzini wrote on 7/29/2015, 2:33 PM

Something metal from Nogman ..... always an exciting listening experience.

guitar work as usual top notch, agree very well. But even with this song you were allowed the vocals bring something more to the fore.

Very cool song .... reminds me partially of Down, Crowbar, etc

good Metal

en liebe gruess vom


-Celina-Neatly- wrote on 7/30/2015, 1:20 PM

Wow. Ahat's exactly what i need right now. Amazing stuff. Feel the fire! Oh yes. Groovy!

All the best. Regards...

Former user wrote on 2/10/2016, 5:34 PM

Bravo,cuando era mas joven toque en dos grupos de Rock,el primero Hard Rock y el segundo,Sinphonic rock,,,Fui amante de Deep Purple,Judas priest,mas tarde Primal Fear,Megaded y con el tiempo ya no se cual es mi gusto concreto,pero diria que Rock,siempre rock.....Me gusto mucho esra cancion,buena a mis oidos.,un saludo

Former user wrote on 2/10/2016, 5:36 PM

***** Sinceramente...Aplausos,siempre se puede hacer mejor pero para mi merece muchos aplausos.Es un buen trabajo