
Former user wrote on 3/24/2015, 5:25 AM

great piece of symphonic rock.


juangarciamillan wrote on 3/27/2015, 4:19 PM

Very good combination of soundtrack loops an guitar. The strings also fits very well with the song.

Congratulations jecke!

Former user wrote on 10/14/2015, 3:44 PM

Schöner Avatar auf dem Foto.   Die Musik empfinde ich sehr abwechslungsreich und spannend.  Sehr gut gemacht.  Auch ohne Film oder Video sehr unterhaltend.  100 %   (bedeutet stets zugleich:  5 Sterne).

ballabarr wrote on 2/29/2016, 7:55 PM

Jagbrukar gå till 1;a låten och jobba mig fram och duhar dom perfekta trummorna

i denna,mycket passande metal trummor,sådant värmer en gammal F.d trummis

bra gjort och betyget... det blir...Hmmm ************************************************************* M.M

kanonlåt Ha det gott

Reg Bengt 


Last changed by ballabarr on 2/29/2016, 7:55 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Im from sweden 55 year's young play 4 instruments,(Drums is my main instr) guitarr,keybords,and some bassand im learning to play faceorgan (Harmonica) I make my musc self.I love icehockey and soocer,bean to cooking school,bean a sailor for 10 years,but not anymore hade my last ship 1993 and i miss that job  (cargoship) see the world and get pay'd for it,that's nice

(Pleace wright in english if u can no requirement just a wishes)