Greatest Rap Beat Stafford wrote on 8/21/2012, 6:17 AM 5 79 Tags: This is six minutes of pure genious. Back to post
Comments Spartano wrote on 8/21/2012, 7:42 AM Eine Gute Drum Musik, die Drums sind leider leicht von der Lautstärke Übersteuert, Kontrolliere dein Peakmeter beim Mastern, Herzlichen Gruß Spartano! A good drum music, the drums are unfortunately Overdriven slightly from the volume, Control your peak meter during mastering, Warm greetings Spartano Former user wrote on 8/21/2012, 2:46 PM good music sounds beautiful, but it would be there singing rap stabbed ♫ 5***** Former user wrote on 8/22/2012, 12:36 PM Mir fehlt etwas mehr, um hier Schlüsse daraus zu zeihen -, das Schlagwerk alleine macht es nicht. Habe ich mir trotzdem ganz durchgehört yvette21 smartsmurf wrote on 8/25/2012, 11:32 AM Well... Esoteric pointed it out already. 1