Gostos Lábicos

Paulo.Costa wrote on 2/16/2022, 7:09 PM
Tags: Techno, Ambient, Wave, Synthpop, Chill out, Pop, Other

Seu reino unido
Ficou para frente do ausente
Mas e o que não era
o que você queria
o que você esperava então 
o que você queria então
Será um futuro  próspero
Será um vã de evento

Você acertou mais uma vez

Voce era um rei? Ou será um rei?
Será um réu...




Former user wrote on 2/16/2022, 7:29 PM

Was ist das? Dies muss ein neues Genre sein. Wer schräg singen kann, schaltet den Vocoder an? Oder gaukelt er mir mit seiner unnachahmlichen Stimme nur vor, dass "Vocoder" und Pitch Shifter an?

❤️ Auf jeden Fall ÜBERAUS INTERESSANT! 100 % Kreativität! Ja, WIRKLICH! 👍

Paulo.Costa wrote on 2/16/2022, 7:31 PM

Was ist das? Dies muss ein neues Genre sein. Wer schräg singen kann, schaltet den Vocoder an? Oder gaukelt er mir mit seiner unnachahmlichen Stimme nur vor, dass "Vocoder" und Pitch Shifter an?

❤️ Auf jeden Fall ÜBERAUS INTERESSANT! 100 % Kreativität! Ja, WIRKLICH! 👍

Ich habe keinen Vocoder benutzt, das ist meine Stimme.
und vielen Dank, mein lieber Freund @Former user , dass Sie diese Details in meiner musikalischen Arbeit beachten. Danke gute Nacht und süße Träume!!


franco-galateo wrote on 2/17/2022, 3:02 AM

interesting construction musical... electronic sound with fusion of the ethnic sound.. particolular but interestin vocal performance


Jochen-S wrote on 2/17/2022, 4:02 AM

Hello Paulo my friend,
very interesting work with a brilliant intonating voice👍🎤😎👍...
Many greetings and hugs🙏,

Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 2/17/2022, 6:02 AM

great track - ciao da sandro

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA





hildegard-beister wrote on 2/17/2022, 11:05 AM

Inimitable that is Paulo........😍 👍 👌 💪 🙌 ❤️

Semelles-de-Vent wrote on 2/17/2022, 12:33 PM

La voix est géante, et colle avec l'ambiance , comme un Iggy Pop au bout de la nuit!!!😀🎤🎤🎤🎸🎧

Die Stimme ist riesig und bleibt bei der Atmosphäre, wie ein Iggy Pop am Ende der Nacht!!! 😀🎤🎤🎤🎸🎧

Jinty wrote on 2/17/2022, 2:08 PM

Hello Paulo,

Did you use midi on your music? if so you've done a good job, great vocals!!!!!!!!!!

All the best,


Paulo.Costa wrote on 2/17/2022, 6:18 PM

Hello Paulo,

Did you use midi on your music? if so you've done a good job, great vocals!!!!!!!!!!

All the best,


Hello Jinty @Jinty I didn't use MIDI in this song, but in previous ones. I hope you and your family and friends are well, all the best my dear. All good indeed. hugs from your friend PAulo COsta!!

Former user wrote on 2/18/2022, 9:51 PM

Hi Paulo,

wow...that is a pure Paulo...simply great and interesting, great work included your voice👌👍👌👏

hug you my friend and have a good time...Bert

Paulo.Costa wrote on 2/19/2022, 10:16 PM

Hi Paulo,

wow...that is a pure Paulo...simply great and interesting, great work included your voice👌👍👌👏

hug you my friend and have a good time...Bert

Thanks My Friend Bért @Former user

All the Best for Allways

1theOldpianist-GG wrote on 4/15/2022, 5:58 PM

Original como tù, artista !

Un abrazo Viejo amigo

Paulo.Costa wrote on 4/15/2022, 6:21 PM

Original como tù, artista !

Un abrazo Viejo amigo

si, si, si meu amigo @1theOldpianist-GG disfrutemos jajajaja, me alegro que te haya gustado GG, esta canción la hice mezclando diferentes loops, al principio me costó encontrar un tono que encajara con el bajo, pero apoyé un instrumento que se asemeja a un piano, eso sí, siempre Te recuerdo GG en los pianos y por eso lo pongo en mis canciones en tu honor!! Abrazo abrazo abrazo y siéntete libre!!!

DJ-HERMAN wrote on 9/13/2022, 2:31 AM

Wszystko SUPER i OK. 👍👍👌👌👍👍🎼🎹🎧

Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/13/2022, 3:54 AM

Wszystko SUPER i OK. 👍👍👌👌👍👍🎼🎹🎧

Wow my Friend DJ-HERMAN thanks my Friend DJ-HERMAN @DJ-HERMAN 😎🙏🏻🎧❤