Brazilady wrote on 8/23/2012, 6:26 PM

This was my second try with MMM

I even sing  in it

I made a music video and posted on Youtube

Sounds better there:


Spartano wrote on 8/24/2012, 3:59 AM

Schöne Musik, die Stimme ist noch etwas zu Trocken, und könnte etwas mehr im Vordergrund sein, Herzlichen Gruß Spartano!

Last changed by Spartano on 8/24/2012, 3:59 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


Former user wrote on 8/24/2012, 5:16 AM

good music and video just gave go ahead - ♫ 5*****

Former user wrote on 8/24/2012, 1:11 PM

An einigen Stellen ist das Klavier sehr laut, ein Störenfried gegenüber dem Eigentlichen -, mögen werde ich es aber


Brazilady wrote on 8/24/2012, 3:36 PM

I just can speak Portuguese and English

Would love to understand what you Spartano and yvette21 have written...lol

I am uploading a new song

NotQuiet wrote on 8/27/2012, 8:40 PM

Second Try....Good Try :-)

Brazilady wrote on 8/27/2012, 8:57 PM

Listen to that song on my channel Youtube, in  the music video I made for it.

Click here:

Maboe wrote on 8/28/2012, 1:21 PM

A wonderful video and very nice music (the second try? respect!).

I like it - well done!


Brazilady wrote on 8/28/2012, 4:12 PM

I still don't know how to answer to these great people (all over the word?) that

take their time to come watch and comment my music video, "Good Old Times"

I would like to thank them for their wonderful and supportive comments.

Song, arrangements and all that's related to the music was made with this amazing 

Magix Music Maker software.

Video was made by me also. I am a video producer. And all of this has been

nothing else but love and fun.

Thank you guys!!!!!!

best wishes from Brazil!

Brazilady wrote on 8/28/2012, 4:19 PM

I know I still have a lot to learn specially about the MIXING thing.

The final result could be much better, I know.

But it's not easy. I will get there little by little.

Oh...and I am not a singer but I try!

But what I most love in this work, is the hability I got to compose the songs

I have in my mind but that with only an accoustic guitar, they would never come that easy.

gunbjo wrote on 8/30/2012, 3:39 PM

A very nice song indeed. I'll try to help you with the german language.

Yvette writes;" At som places the piano is too loud. " Then I.m not quite sure but it is something "disturbing"

Anyhow she can like your song.

Spartano writes;" Nice music but your voice sounds "too dry" and should be placed more in the foreground."

In the Forum there is a really good explanation about how to mix and master the songs, and it really is worth looking for it.

Good luck with your future songs


Brazilady wrote on 9/2/2012, 6:05 PM

In fact , it's

keromusic wrote on 9/16/2012, 7:24 PM

ça m'a donné envie d'écouter plus et j'entends une chanson superbe.

Content de l'écoute

Creez plus merci et bravo

5 *****

jojjy wrote on 9/23/2012, 8:04 PM

Hello, I admire you style and theme of song. The vocals "It can warm your heart, make me be a part of you." I use it in Electro Leaf =] nice http://www.magix.info/uk/electro-leaf.audio.791628.html