
Former user wrote on 6/10/2013, 6:19 PM


Good to see you back from your sojourn.  Hope it was as enjoyable as the tanned photo you posted. 

Very nice graphic of the trains in the clouds and the mysterious figure looking off into the mystical distance,

The song  fits that scene like a glove. 

Very nice.



Farstom wrote on 6/11/2013, 2:56 PM

I find only intro too long.
the rest is very nicely made.
nice sounds.
well done
i like it

Last changed by Farstom on 6/11/2013, 2:56 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something



Former user wrote on 6/11/2013, 4:19 PM

baut sich eine schöne geschichte auf,das intro für mein geschmack passend,der bruch kommt mir vielleicht etwas zu früh bei 2:36 . gelungene wiederkehr in das eigentliche thema.

4:04 verwirrt mich und schmeißt mich raus aus dem "zug" 

ein hörer

Former user wrote on 6/11/2013, 4:32 PM

Excellente image après vos vacances et avec le bruit , le TGV , la pollution , etc ....... !!    Belle mélodie et bons mélanges ! = 5*

Cordial Andreus

tgfmusica wrote on 6/11/2013, 5:29 PM

bella traccia, suoni molto ricercati e ben mixati, ben fatto, 5*da tgmusica, Gianfranco, ciao

VisionART wrote on 6/11/2013, 8:01 PM

Super cover, sensible sound.

You took your package, didnt you? Went into the green light, afterwords?

I ve heard your heartbeat. That told you, that it would be better to reach new land..

I think this sound has been the starter of your voyage, maybe there would be more of experiences?

Please tell us in music,

I will hear the next one, the green one.


danne wrote on 6/12/2013, 2:55 AM

Soundtrack ist nicht mein Fachgebiet und kann Dir hier nur nach mein Gefühl sagen... dass Du das Thema und die Sounds gut ausgewählt hast. Und der Klang ist auch sehr gelungen.

Besten Gruß, Daniel

Huck wrote on 6/12/2013, 10:00 AM


Gefällt mir!!

Gruß Huck!

Former user wrote on 6/12/2013, 12:20 PM

Hello Dj Roar,
sounds' much sought after, perfect mix, a piece of great suggestion.
Great job.


Maboe wrote on 6/12/2013, 1:09 PM

A very well-made piece of music, I like it so much.


Former user wrote on 6/12/2013, 3:41 PM

you come back from vacation and back to work.
a track definitely style movie, then adapts to a listening associated with the images.
the set of loops chosen seems to me done with great care, many sounds are known to me, especially the rhythmic guitars.
However, overall, the song seems well made​​.


Jinty wrote on 6/12/2013, 4:51 PM


Very nice track!!!!!!

All the best


NotQuiet wrote on 6/12/2013, 6:32 PM

Made really strong track. I could very well imagine incorporated into a mystery series to me.

Great compliment .... please keep it up 5*****

Best regards,
NotQuiet :-)

Former user wrote on 6/13/2013, 5:16 AM

nice song, i like to listen to.


Picnicboy wrote on 6/13/2013, 11:13 AM


Nice melancholic Tune!

Would be a nice Soundtrack!

Love it!


Former user wrote on 6/13/2013, 2:02 PM

A very pleasant song ... excellent mix ..I like it
with afffection

HPMusicProject wrote on 6/13/2013, 2:48 PM

Hallo , stellenweise richtig düster ,gute Arbeit.LG Heiko

heikospecht wrote on 6/13/2013, 4:35 PM

I would love to have your mastering skills really. This has so many brilliant element that you can create a complete CD from it.


Former user wrote on 6/14/2013, 6:58 AM

a very good sound track, like it.


Lg Sigrid

peterjirka40 wrote on 6/14/2013, 11:26 PM

Very nice Track and very good Sound .

I like it .

Former user wrote on 6/15/2013, 2:11 PM

 track very interesting, beautiful sound

nice, very well


Skorpion62 wrote on 6/16/2013, 3:55 AM

gut gemacht

viel Arbeit  investiert

skorpiON 62

tingel wrote on 6/17/2013, 1:46 PM

dear roar, this one goes to my favorit, congratulation to your work and how you´ve done it... excellent and to take this cover is a great idea. I can feel how you or every one else will like to go home... excellent song - best wishes andi

alexisaubin2010 wrote on 7/13/2013, 1:53 PM

bravo a la foie classic et a la foie electro

Last changed by alexisaubin2010 on 7/13/2013, 1:53 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

slt a toutes et a tous je me presente moi c alexis grand fanatique de musique et de chant vous pourrais trouver sur ma page toute mes compos perso et mes enregistrements studio en esperant que cela vous plairas

 qu il soit positif ou negatifs n'hesitez pas a me laisserr vos commentaire 

il n'y a rien de mieu pour s'ameliorer surtout dans ce millieu

en esperant vous faire passer d'agreable moment musical


je vous souhaite une bonne visite sur ma page


cordialement et musicalement 

