Get Here

TrishM wrote on 4/21/2019, 10:12 PM
Tags: Jazz, R'n'B

"Get Here" is written and originally sung by Brenda Russel. She has written for the likes of Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, Donna Summer. Earth, Wind & Fire. and Diana Ross but sadly, she never achieved the fame she deserved.

If you have heard of Brenda Russel, you are in the minority. I hope you enjoy her song. Let me know of her name is familiar to you.


fpescobedo wrote on 4/21/2019, 11:10 PM

Well done! Unfortunately, no, Ive never heard of her.

franco-galateo wrote on 4/22/2019, 3:12 AM

very nice track and excellent quality .. the piano as always played great ... I really appreciated


Charlys-Music wrote on 4/22/2019, 4:45 AM

i love this Track. Very much.

TomEricValley wrote on 4/22/2019, 5:17 AM


Dreamer..wo warst???


Former user wrote on 4/22/2019, 6:31 AM

Hello Trishi,

Ahh good music !!!!, this piece vaguely tells me something, your piano touch is sweet and soft, played with restraint and delicacy, a sign of great respect for the work and your instrument and this to be of great importance to me, to be honest, I love the piano part ... Happy to see you again in front of this beautiful and noble instrument that is your piano, continue like this. I really enjoyed it, it changes "Magix" samples and other electronic sounds that we usually hear here. Very well done my musical friend ;)


TrishM wrote on 4/22/2019, 6:44 AM

Tom.... Are you asking where the picture was taken? I was in Honolulu, Hawaii. I wish I was still there?

stuallan wrote on 4/22/2019, 7:54 AM

Hi Trish,

Still here!

I cannot say that Her name is familiar to me but I love the smooth, easy flow of of this. Your playing seems to be back in full force, I hope everything is better now.

I have been devoting more time to live music, an old band mate contacted me looking for a guitar player, I joined and have been learning their repertoire - little time for creating with Magix. Still have a large number of unfinished pieces which I hope to complete and post in the future.

Things are different here for sure, I still check in from time to time and do appreciate hearing from you.

Hawaii! Ah yes! Love it.

Cheers for now,





luigi-vigliotta wrote on 4/22/2019, 9:58 AM

I would say a good job, very demanding, you're right, Brenda didn't have the notoriety she deserved, I love "No time for time" she sang ... I know, I'm old ...😂😂😂

TrishM wrote on 4/22/2019, 10:06 AM

Glad you agree. Poor Brenda. I'll have to check out " No Time for Time".

I'm old too. 😃 That just means we've had more experience.

Former user wrote on 4/22/2019, 10:26 AM

u have a good funkey" trill too ( I forgot to quote him, srry 😁)

DJCProject wrote on 4/22/2019, 12:40 PM

Hi Trish, 😀

wirklich eine sehr schöne Nummer. Das Klavier ist wirklich sehr schön. Nur ich hätte die Trompete vielleicht mit Pausen eingesetzt. Sie ist mir schon zu extrem hörbar. Aber ansonsten bin ich mit deiner Arbeit sehr zufrieden, bis auf den einen Punkt.

Schönen Abend noch, LG, Claas 😊

OldMansProject wrote on 4/23/2019, 7:13 PM

Hey Trish!!!

Sehr schön gespielte Nummer. Den Song habe ich auch schon mal gesungen gehört. Es war ein Kandidat bei "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" oder "The Voice". Echt ein klasse Song.

Holly 😎

DEPO57 wrote on 4/28/2019, 3:11 PM

CIAO TRISH, è un vero piacere risentirti. mi manchi, mi mancano le nostre collaborazioni, riascolto spesso la nostra musica. Ascoltando questo tuo brano recente, sono più sereno  e contento. Tecnicamente avrei suonato il sax  come " altra voce ", come " seconda voce ", ma il tutto è piacevole. Ti abbraccio forte. Paolo

MitchSoul wrote on 4/30/2019, 2:58 PM

Hey Trish,

What more could you ask for when it comes to good music. Nicely played,& I love the fact that the saxophone come right in(I'm a sucker when it comes to saxophones...hehe). Excellent Work!!!


Father_of_Joy wrote on 5/5/2019, 3:15 AM

I don't know Brenda Russel. But this song is played very well by you! A great atmosphere with the saxophone indeed.😎

TomEricValley wrote on 5/20/2019, 10:42 PM

Tom.... Are you asking where the picture was taken? I was in Honolulu, Hawaii. I wish I was still there?

Hey Tris..i am back again..How are you??